the stayover

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3:43 The night was gloomy, hargrove woke up feeling the pain sweeping, he breathed heavily feeling steves arm wrapped around his waist. He slowly got up, groaning. He stared at the floor and stood up feeling the room multiplying, his eyes tried to adjust around the room. His head felt dizzy but he walked with patience and opened the door, trying not to make as much noise. He felt the coldness making him shiver and shake. He found the bathroom near the bedroom and switched on the light. His eyes squinted, slowly opening back again. He walked infront of the sink and opened the tap. Slowly feeling water fill his palm he rose his hands and spreader the water across his face. He lifted his hoodie and shirt up to see the bruises. "Hm, why is it brown?" He whispered under his breath. Soon he found out Steve put medicine over his bruises for them to heal. He his hoodie back down and flicked the switch off. He walked to the bedroom door and opened it. Half way to the bed he stopped and blinked slowly. "Ugh" he felt pain going across his body and head. He fell down to his knees whole groaning. His body fell to the ground, he closed his eyes passed out.

6pm Steve woke up feeling his hands loose "huh" he opened his eyes to see billy's not on there. He slowly rose his head, looking around he finally found billy on the floor. He quickly got up and paced over to billy, he bend down his knees "Billy? Billy! Billy!" Billy gazed his eyes open slowly. "Ugh.."Steve held his hands around billy lifting him up sitting down. "What happened!?" Billy gazed at Steve "..all I remember is me coming back from the bathroom after I washed my face and fell.." Billy explained to him it was fine.

End of the story and they lived happily ever after the enddd

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