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Right when we get back home, I head straight upstairs, kick off my shoes, feel around for comfy clothes to put on, and lay in bed, kind of happy that Luke is maybe agreeing to moving in with me and kind of just wanting to sleep the day away like I always do. But before I can get one ounce of sleep in, my door swings open and footsteps come closer to me.

"Ashton, I want to sleep." I sigh, and my brother chuckles.

"You're not sleeping all day today, Cecilia Mae Irwin. Luke and I are gonna look for apartments in here, so you need to help us."

"Uggh, why? Its not like I'll be able to see anything in the apartment anyways, just have Luke pick out what he wants."

Speaking up, and putting his rich voice on display, Luke says, "But, I want you to be happy there too. Even if you can't see anything."



All I hear in my room now are snores. It took us three hours to find the right apartment (two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, kitchen, all the necessities, plus a balcony), and when we did, the first thing Ashton proposed we do to celebrate was take a little nap, and then after that, get pizza.

The nap I wasn't against, until I found out they wanted to sleep in my bed. God, Ashton snores so loudly, it hurts. Literally. My ears are in pain. I don't even know where Luke is, he's very silent, and I haven't felt him brush against me or touch me once since they both fell asleep what seems like an hour ago.

Startling me because I thought he was asleep, Luke says "Cecilia... Are you asleep?"

"No. How could anyone sleep with this monster truck in the room?" I say, which makes him chuckle. His laugh is... Its like nothing I've ever heard before. It catches my breath and keeps it locked in my throat. Its like happiness wrapped in sunshine sprinkled with vertigo and fluffiness. Its different than Ashton's laugh. Ashton's laugh is giggly and girly, and it makes me hyper and excited. But, Luke's laugh is soothing, and it makes me dizzy in a weird way.

"So... If we're actually moving in together, shouldn't we... Yanno, get to know each other?" He asks, his voice deep and in a whisper, still minding Ashton.

"Yeah... You want to play 20 questions?" I ask, excitement in my voice. I have a knack for games, and I always have. Its weird, but it's me.

"Yeah, sounds like fun. But, should we go downstairs and leave Ashton to sleep?"

Humming in agreement, I wait until I can feel Luke out of the bed before I get out myself. I smooth out Ashton's t-shirt that I'm wearing (I can tell it's his by the size) and feel around my walkway to the door, curling my toes so I don't stub them on anything.

"Cecilia, I'm right here. You can use my arm if you want."

Smiling, I reach my hand out until it reaches what I'm hoping is Luke's arm, and link my own arm through it. He leads me downstairs carefully, letting me take my time and not making me feel rushed in the slightest.

"You know, if you become my... I wouldn't know what to call you." I say, at a loss for words, as we're halfway down the steps. I know that because I've counted each step before, and there's twenty six. Right now we're at step thirteen.

"Helper. I'm your helper. There's no 'ifs' anymore, this is happening."

"Well, now that your my helper, this is going to be happening all the time. You'll always have to help me. I can't even see the simplest things. There could be a knife on the table, I could cut my hand severely and die. I could stub my toes on anything. And die... There could be a short chandelier and I could bag my head on it and die-"

"Do you have an obsession with death?" Luke asks, in a serious tone.

"Not an obsession. No, I wouldn't call it that." I say, as we approach the first floor.

"Are you um... Do you want to die?"

"Luke, I'm not suicidal... But I'm not... I'm not afraid of death."

okay wow they just got serious,

but hello again. some chapters will be short like this one, just so i can write more and provide more for you readers. so yeah have a nice day.

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