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   That was one of the most prominent words ringing through Muzan Kibutsuji's mind at the moment. 




   Muzan didn't want to die. The one thing he feared, above demon slayers, above the sun, above even Yoriichi Tsugikuni, was the reason that he feared them in the first place. 


   Since his birth 1000 years ago, the fear of death had been engrained into each and every one of Muzan's cells. It ran deeper than blood, deeper than the chains of DNA packed into the nuclei of his cells, deeper than the chemical bonds and reactions that made him Muzan Kibutsuji.

   And now, he had to face it. 

   The end had finally come. Death's presence loomed over Muzan as he laid disintegrating slowly in the sun's unforgiving radiance. As he breathed his last shuddering breath, a million thoughts ran through the demon king's liquefied brain. Maybe he could have done things differently. Maybe he could have been less harsh on his loyal subjects, toyed less with their... emotions. 

   Ah, yes. Emotions. The only things that were eternal and undying. Muzan could not remember a single human that he had killed. However, their feelings passed on through the generations, stronger and stronger, and now... they were strong enough to defeat him. Muzan's crimson eyes trembled. If he had not been so cruel, perhaps he could have led a different life. 

   But his life was already at its end. So Muzan passed on with a heavy heart filled with regrets and sorrow. 



   Blinding light filled Muzan's vision. 

   The light faded, revealing an endlessly vast blue sky, and an endlessly vast plane of reflective water. 

   Where was he? 

   An ethereal voice spoke suddenly, startling Muzan. "You are at a crossroads, Muzan Kibutsuji. You are standing in the delicate balance of life and death." 

   A crossroads? 

   The voice continued, echoing through the endless space. "You have been given a second chance at life. Whether you take it or leave it is up to you." 

   Muzan's mind whirled. A second chance... for him? Why him? Why not someone else, like one of those hashira that were valiantly slain in the midst of protecting someone, or even one of the Ubukyashi family? 

   But then Muzan stopped asking questions. If he was the one to be given the second chance, then he must make the most of it. After all, didn't he die with his mind saturated with regrets? Muzan knew what he was going to do now. "I will take the second chance at life." He said aloud, voice unwavering. "I will do better this time." 

   As light consumed Muzan's vision once more, he knew. Things would be different this time around. 

   So much more different. 


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