Try Not to Fall

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A/N kind of a sequel to the last one
So here I am
Teetering on the fine line
Between denial
And falling
Between a rock and a hard place
But I love her
Her trust
Her confidence
Even though it's just a facade of extroversion
That she lets me see behind that facade
Her love
For her friends
For her sister
For music
How she can be loud without fearing judgment
Her soft honesty
Her craving for physical touch
And I want to paint you a picture
But I want to keep her to myself
Because she loves so freely
Yet she never runs out of love for me
I could never leave her
I want to be reckless
I want to let the world fall apart
And just lay next to her
Humming to whatever song
Sharing earbuds
But I want to be cautious
To hold the world up around her
To never let it fall
So her colours will never fade
So she can keep humming
Keeping me strong
To keep her
How do I decide
Is it really my decision
Is it really hers
Neither of us should have to decide
So here I am
On a fine line
Between a rock and a hard place

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