A few minutes without her would. She was too magnetic to part with so early. His towel strains with his movements, tightening across his hips as he carefully kneels on the bed. He waits for a second, making sure she hasn't been disturbed just yet. A chuckle escapes him when a few soft snores sound from Olive, his hands reaching for the sheets and lifting them up so that he can slide under. He scoots closer, hovers over her back with his legs bracketing hers. He sneaks his knee between her thighs, nudging them apart so that he can fit his leg between them.

He brushes his lips across the back of her neck, bracing one hand above her head to support himself while his other palms her side. His fingers wrap around her waist, thumb sweeping back and fourth across skin so soft he's worried his calloused hands will leave a mark.

He presses a kiss to her left shoulder blade, then her right. Her breathing shifts, telling him she's waking up. He pauses when she stiffens for a minute, but then she relaxes. She remembers exactly where she is, and the thought is almost as pleasing as the sight of her naked in his bed. He should feel guilty when a sleepy noise sounds from her, but when she stretches out languidly below him he can only feel a sly sort of triumph. Olive hums, her voice a raspy whisper, "Mmm. Well good morning to you, George."

"G'Morning, Ollie," He mumbles, his mouth gliding higher to peck the side of her throat. She groans quietly, slowly lifting her chin up so that he can suck gently on the skin above her pulse. He sighs into her neck, "I'm late."

He feels a vibration against his chest, a chuckle sounding from Ollie as she teases blearily, "Missed your period, have you? When is the baby due?"

"Ha Ha," George grins at her joke, nuzzling her cheek before playfully biting her chin. Her nose crinkles, the side of her face that he can see alight with amusement and the lingering affects of sleep. She's warm, her laugh makes him warm when he grumbles, "I'm late for work."

Olive sighs, one of her hands slipping out from where they're hiding under her pillow. She drags her fingers up the arm that's braced on the bed next to her, blinking open one eye. Green greets him, fills him up with a feeling so far from disgust that he's nearly ashamed he'd ever associated the color with darkness. George kisses her cheekbone, kisses the soft skin just under her eye. She looks refreshed, cheerful. He's glad she can rest here, that he can help her feel safe. He's grateful he has her trust.

"I should go," His throat struggles to swallow, his chest burning with that warm, sweet feeling. Sweet. His girl. Olive smiles slowly, raising a brow at him. He bites down on his tongue when she arches below him, pressing her arse back into his lap and nearly causing him to choke. She puffs out an airy laugh, teasing, "Go on then. You can't be late."

George glances at the clock, his muscles straining with faltering composure. He couldn't be late. He had work to do. His eyes slide back down to where his girl is settling back into the plush mattress, her smile sleepy but eyes half-lidded with something else. Fuck.

He groans, baring his teeth against her shoulder in playful reproach. Olive's hand keeps stroking up and down his forearm, her back bumping his chest with a deep breath before she offers nonchalantly, "It can be quick..."

"Quick," George mutters, shaking his head slowly. He glances mournfully at the clock before resigning himself to the temptation below him. His jaw clenches when he lets go of her waist to tug at the knotted towel around his hips. He reaches haphazardly for his wand, mindlessly muttering a contraceptive spell as he stares at the human equivalent of a sunbeam laying in his bed.

Olive grins, the side of her face visible to him flushing a faint shade of pink. She arches her back again, a lazy lift of her hips that has him painfully hard. George stretches out over her, pressing a few open mouthed kisses to her jaw, her neck, the bumps of her vertebra. Her body is soft and pliable beneath him, her easy smile a shot of sun to his heart.

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