Chapter 24

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When Olive walks into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, she's not exactly sure what to expect.

She was prepared for Angelina Johnson to look at her with that odd, twisted expression. One that made Olive feel not so great inside, a look that made her feel like a little kid that was out of place. She was also prepared for George Weasley to be just about as grumpy as he'd been a few days back when he'd stormed into Florean's and nearly beat the daylights out of Lee.

She was not prepared for music.

She looks around slowly, peering at the displays and stacked boxes. Her brows furrow in confusion, and just when she goes to call out, to see if this is a dream,

"Hi, Liv!"

A scream tears from her throat, hands clenching at her chest at the sudden appearance of Lee Jordan. He grins widely, leaning against the counter he'd just been hiding behind. Olive stares at him, open mouthed and praying that her heart returns to normal before she passes out, "Bloody hell, Lee! Don't scare me like that."

Lee laughs, cackles evilly with his hands thumping the counter like he can't believe he's gotten her. He finally sighs and wipes away the tears gathering on his cheeks, "Merlin, that was fantastic. I wish you could have seen your face, Olive."

Olive tries to scowl, crossing her arms and shaking her head. But the longer he smiles, the harder it is to frown. She rolls her eyes, relenting, "You're a jerk. Why are you listening to muggle music?"

His eyebrows raise in surprise, "I didn't know it was muggle. George put it on."

Olive blinks. Her toe taps the floor in time with the song, her heart warming, "George did?"

Lee's grin morphs into a sly smirk, and Olive comes willingly when he waves her over to the counter. He hesitates, lowering his voice, "He's...he's in a good mood. Has been."

"Did he and Angelina work their stuff out?"

His eyes narrow playfully, and when his brows waggle, Olive feels the skin on her face grow significantly warmer. Lee leans in and whispers hurriedly, "Haven't seen her in a bit actually. George refuses to talk about it, but I don't want to push. Not when he's like this."

Something weird flips in her chest, and when she rocks back on her heels she shoves her hands into the pockets of her dungarees and peers around the store to avoid Lee's gaze. She can't help the way her head bobs to the song. She liked this one, she knew that. She just couldn't remember where she'd heard it.

"Can I help you find something?"

Her eyes slide back to Lee and she shakes her head, hoping that her cheeks aren't as pink as his cheeky smile makes her think they are, "I'm just looking. Buying a gift for a friend."

Lee nods and outstretched his arms, voice posh, "The shop is yours, M'lady. Holler if I can help with anything."

Olive nods and slips away from the counter, smiling and unable to resist spinning to the sound of the music. She sways slightly as she studies the products, grabbing onto the railing of the stairs and humming as she shimmies her way up them. Her smile grows, a laugh nearly bubbling from her lips when she thinks about what Lee would say if she started singing.

Something about a cat yowling probably.

"I can't help myself," She sings below her breath, picking up a box of extendable ears and smiling. Her heels move back and forth as she twists on her toes, "Sugar pie, honey bunch."

Her eyes widen at a bottle with Weather in a bottle scrawled across it in bold letters. Her grin grows, fingers reaching out to touch it. But then she sees something that makes her pause, still swaying and singing quietly.

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