"Ow!" I whined as my backpack slipped off my shoulder and hit the dirt below me. His friend...followers started filing in behind him. 

"Stop! Some of you idiots need to stay out there or else it will look suspicious," Ace said looking around at the dumb-founded teens. 

"Minions aren't worth it, are they," I said, smirking at Ace.

He looked back at me and pulled me away from the wall then slammed me back against, harder than last time. He pinned my left wrist on the wall while I held my stomach with my right hand. The hit had knocked the wind out of me, so I was gasping for air when he took his left hand and put it on my throat.

"Listen here, you little shit. You're a huge burdon, not just to Mom and I, but also to your friends. Nobody wants you here. Not even your new friend Tara. You're ugly, stupid, and a shitty sister and daughter. Now if I see you at home or with your stupid-ass friends after I beat the shit outta you, I'll finish the job next time." Most of those words were meaningless to me, except the burden part. It was like the universe was telling me that what I thought was true. But I tried telling myself that Ace didn't know anything about me and my friends. I tried to think of a response to top his amazing, suicidal speech. 

"Like you're any better of a son," I said as I finally caught my breath. Ace's face went pale white and his pupils grew with hate and anger. I knew what was about to happen, so I stiffened myself up, ready to take the hit. 

But, instead of punching my stomach like I thought he would, he slapped me across the face, catching me off guard. While I was distracted by the burning of my skin, he wound up his fist and brought it back to my stomach, just as I thought he would the first time. I bent over in pain and held my stomach in my arms, breathing heavily. 

As if that wasn't enough for my disappointment of a brother, he kneed me in the face without wasting time. 

"Ace, maybe lay it off a little. Thought you said you was just gonna cut her arms a little," Charlie said, anxiously, almost with sympathy. I looked up through the bloody tears falling from my eyes. I saw Charlie looking at me. He looked as if he was going to throw up. I wanted to smile at him to try to tell him I was fine, but my body was too weak. 

"Would you shut up? So what, I changed my mind. Go stand watch with the boys." He looked back at me as Charlie ran off. I looked back at the ground, hoping I would just pass out so I didn't feel the pain any more. But, unfortunately, I could still feel every nerve, every squeeze, my heartbeat all over my body, and my legs falling weaker than before, giving out.

I eventually fell to the ground, on my knees, holding my stomach with my right arm and propping myself up with my left. 

Ace reached into his back pocket and pulled out, you guessed it, my blade. Of course he wanted to practically kill me with my blade and not his.

He put his empty hand on my shoulder and pushed me up, putting my back to the wall as my legs fell to the side. I put my head up on the wall and dropped my left hand to my side, leaving my right arm over my stomach. 

"This is probably gonna hurt," he said as he pulled the blade back then charged it at my stomach, right above my arm. I squinted, waiting for the sting and pain to explode through my body.

But just before he could, I heard running. Then I felt Ace fall to the ground. I wanted to so badly open my eyes and hope to see Chris or Teddy beating up my brother as I lay there in pain. But I couldn't open my eyelids from the amount of energy that wasn't surging through me. I had nothing to help me. I had no strength, no courage, and I could feel my body falling asleep and my brain slowly going to bed, while my hearing slowly left my senses. 

I guess I was wrong about Ace never hurting me. I guess he really doesn't care. 

Chris' POV

I kicked Ace endlessly while also watching Teddy pick Noah up and carry her away. 

Once Noah and Teddy were far enough, I stopped moving my foot back and forth, entering and exiting Ace's stomach. 

I ran away from the limp body, following Teddy and Noah. 

We got to the tree house and set her down. 

"Go get first aid supplies from your house, Teddy," I said as I took her jacket off to see where all of her cuts and stuff were. He nodded quickly and ran out of the tree house.

I sat there watching her, hardly breathing, eyes shut, blood all over her beautifully tan face and clothes. Everything was stained red. I was staring so intently, studying every inch of her.

"She needs food," I said out loud to nobody but myself. I looked out the window of the tree house as I saw Teddy running back with the first aid kit in his arms. I left the house and met him halfway.

"I'm going to go get food. Clean her up, ok?"

Teddy nodded and ran into the house again. I smiled at him as he looked worried. He also looked like he really cared. 

I needed to let this girl go. She obviously doesn't want me, she wants Teddy. Plus, Tara is super pretty, nice, caring, smart, and sweet. They're so similar that I can't help but wonder if Noah did that on purpose...

Teddy's POV

I cleaned her every cut and wiped off all the blood. I put a bandage on all the open wounds and put a blanket over her. By the time I noticed her shivering, Chris was back with fries, coke, and a burger.

"Did you spend your last dime on that?" I asked, genuinely curious. 

"Yes. But it's fine and worth every penny." I smiled at him as we both settled in out usual spots. 

It slowly grew awkward as it was dead silent and we were both obviously staring at Noah. I wanted to keep the friendship I had with Chris before the whole crush debacle. 

"So, no hard feelings, right?" I asked, breaking the silence as Chris looked up at me.

"Nah, man. I just want what's best for her. And you. Plus, I think I might like the new girl, Tara," Chris responded, looking at me and smiling. He looked happy when he said her name or even thought of her.

"That's great, man! Skin it?" I held out my arm with my palm flattened. He nodded and said, "skin it," while sliding our forearms and palms over each other. 

After about thirty minutes, Noah started moving around, which was promising. Ten minutes later, she started to open her eyes. 

"Welcome back to hell, Noah. How was your trip?" I asked, smiling at her as she looked around.


(1757 words)

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