New Friends

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*cursing and suggestive language*

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*cursing and suggestive language*

I woke up and stayed laying in bed for ten minutes before actually moving. Secretly, I was hoping Teddy would come over when I wasn't at the treehouse on time, but I also knew that wouldn't happen. 

I took out my journal, not diary, and started writing about last night and my true thoughts about it. 

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my window. I eargerly looked up to see Chris smiling at me. 

I didn't loose the smile cause I didn't wnat him to know, but I smiled bigger (fakely) and closed my journal, putting it in the drawer of my bedside table. 

I walked over to the uncovered window and opened it, letting Chris in. 

"Hey, Noah. I was wondering what you were doing," he said as he stepped into my room with muddy shoes.

"Oh, hell no! Take those nasty things off before you get my room all dirty," I said, slightly pushing him back out the window, laughing. 

I'll admit, Chris had a nice smile and he was kinda cute. But he just wasn't the kind for me. I mean, not to be rude, but he comes from a bad family, so we all know he'll end up bad, too. Even Chris. 

"Sorry. What're you still doing in bed? Its almost 8:30." 

I fell back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. He took his shoes off and put them by the window. I got up slowly and put them by my bedroom door, knowing he was leaving out the front door. 

"I needed time to myself," I said, sitting back on the bed, putting my back against the wall. 

"I thought you got that last night with Teddy," he said, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Chris, I wasn't alone with Teddy." I laughed seeing his face of realization. 

"Well, it was more alone than with the rest of us." 

It grew silent over my room, but I felt like Chris wanted to see my diary, so I turned to the table and reached in and grabbed it, just as Chris leaned over too. 

"The hell, Chris? Trying to read my personal thoughts?" I said, holding the notebook up. 

"No! Just curious! What did you write about?" he asked, smirking and reaching for it. I moved the notebook behind my back then all around my body, keeping it out of Chris' reach. 

I slipped on my sheets and fell back onto my bed, but my foot got caught on Chris' leg and I pulled him down ontop of me. 

I laughed as we fell onto the bed, throwing my notebook over my head. 

After a couple seconds, it got awkward because he was just staring at me and wasn't moving. 

"Chris? Can you get off me now?" I asked, putting my hands on his stomach, trying to push him off me. 

Stolen Dreams - Love Triangle (Teddy, Chris, Noah)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora