Part 11

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(Y/n) takes a deep breath as she knocks on the door of the main estate.
After a minute or so Natsuo opens the door and looks at the woman confused and she could see a hint of distaste.
"I'm sure I'm the last person you wanna see. I was instructed to come for dinner."
Fuyumi walks by and smiles. "Hi (Y/n). Dad told me you were coming tonight. Come on in. Make yourself comfortable."
"I brought something for Katherine to play on. Do you want me to put it next to the table?" The (h/c) asks.
"Yeah that would be great. I'll show you the way."
Natsuo looks at his sister, mouth open.
"I know you think I'm a homewrecker Natsuo, but I will do my best to be a good stepmom. Things aren't the way I wanted them to be either."
"Whatever," the boy grumbles.

About 15 minutes later Shoto comes home from school instead of going to the dorms, with permission from Aizawa and Nezu of course.
Enji informed them it was important and that the next day he would have news for them as well.
Shoto looks at (Y/n) then Katherine. "Just wait until he starts taking her to the training room." He whispers then looks away.
"He won't be pulling that shit anymore. I made sure of it," (Y/n) assures. "I know it doesn't always seem like it but he is trying. He won't hurt you guys or Katherine."
"He's too busy being the new #1 hero to worry about us," Natsuo comments.
"That's not true at all. You three are all he ever worries about. He doesn't want-" she cuts herself off and looks away.
Enji wanted to tell them about Dabi himself. I'll wait till he gets home.

"Actually do any of you know where Enji went?"
"He didn't tell us." Natsuo responds, looking between his siblings.
"I hope I'm not intruding." A familiar voice questions from the doorway.
Everyone looks and finds the beautiful white haired woman.
"Rei," (Y/n) whispers.
"Mom!" The three children exclaim and hug her tightly.
Enji walks in after her and looks at his fiancée.
Her shocked expression makes the man frown.
He walks over and sits next to her. "I'm sorry for the surprise, but we have a lot to talk about."
"They're gonna hate me even more now." She whispers and looks away.
Enji kisses her temple then picks up Katherine.

Rei sits on one side with Shoto, her hand petting his hair gently.
Fuyumi and Natsuo sit on either end of the table.
(Y/n) felt so out of place on the other side next to Enji and Katherine.
Katherine giggles and cups her father's face.
He smiles softly and rubs her cheek with his thumb.
"I have a lot to discuss tonight. I've invited your mother and (Y/n) for a reason."
"Is it about mom coming back and (Y/n) leaving?" Shoto asks.
Everyone looks at him surprised except (Y/n).
The woman smiles and nods. "That would be best wouldn't it?" She questions and looks at the dual haired boy.

"(Y/n) is not leaving." Rei informs. "I will move into the second estate and (Y/n) will live here. Enji and I are divorced but I will visit whenever you want. We decided family dinners twice a month."
"Yes and (Y/n) and I are engaged. It's been a rough year and I know things will continue to be rough."
"I thought you had a boyfriend?" Fuyumi asks, looking at the (h/c).
"That is the reason I needed you all here." Enji informs and his grave expression confuses his family.
"What's wrong? Did you date a criminal?" Natsuo asks, laughing.
"Actually yes." (Y/n) responds. "The villain you know as Dabi."

"Dabi?!" Shoto exclaims. "He tried to murder me and my classmates a bunch of times. He's part of the League of Villains."
"That's not the worst of it." Enji adds.
"What could be worse than-"
"He's your older brother Touya." (Y/n) cuts off Shoto.
The eyes of the other three widen in shock and it's silent for a long time.
Finally Shoto stands up, fists clenched and walks away.
Enji looks down and Katherine sucks on his finger.

"Enji, is that true?" Rei asks quietly, her hand resting on the table.
"He told me himself."
"I caught him cheating on me and when he came to check up on me he found me and Enji talking. He confessed to being Touya then left." (Y/n) explains.
"I can't believe you dated a villain." Natsuo mumbles, arms crossed.
"I didn't know at first. He was kind and helpful and loving. I saw a man behind the monster. I stayed with him because I loved him. But when I found out he lied to me and cheated on me I realized he wouldn't love me for me. I was just a way to get to Endeavor."
Rei looks down and (Y/n) could see her mind racing.
Most likely trying to imagine her eldest son still being alive.

"I love (Y/n). I know you both have mixed feelings about me but I will do my best to show you I have changed. I will continue to change for the better." Enji promises and bows his head.
"Dad, I'm happy for you. But what's gonna happen to Touya?" Fuyumi asks.
"As much as I don't want to, I will have to put him away. We've managed to get All For One and soon we'll have Dabi."
"You think you can get information out of him?" Natsuo asks.
"We'll be using (Y/n) to coax it out of him. Not to mention she has plenty of information herself. She was close to the members, even in the short time they were together." Enji informs.
(Y/n) hated the idea but she agreed.

Rei looks between the couple. "You won't hurt him will you?"
"I will do my best to keep him safe. He is m-our son."
Natsuo stands up, silently, and leaves the room as well.
"Fuyumi, I know you're overwhelmed as well. If you need to talk I'm here for you. You may be excused as well." (Y/n) offers.
The said woman frowns but nods. She also leaves and walks to her room.
Enji looks at Rei. "I'm so sorry for this news but I knew you had the right to know."
"And I'm sorry I not only slept with your husband but your son as well. I swear on my life I had no idea." (Y/n) adds.
Rei shakes her head and holds up her hand. "I do not wish to hear more. My son is alive, that is all that matters to me right now."

Enji hands Katherine to her mother and walks over to Rei. "Let me take you to your room, Rei."
"Don't worry. I will be fine on my own. I know the way to the guest room."
The redhead sighs but nods. "As you wish."
Katherine gurgles and waves.
The white haired woman manages a smile and waves back. "Sweet dreams."
"Good night Rei." (Y/n) whispers and looks down.
The older woman nods then leaves.

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