Chapter 6

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Anna slept for most of the journey. She chit-chatted with Isiah, asking him about the family but he held his tongue. Never being an avid fan of small talk she drifted into what she presumed was an awkward silence and eventually sleep. She came to as they approached the big, dreary house. There it stood casting its imposing shadow over the land, not unlike its owner and how his control fell over the family. And there he stood, waiting patiently at the entrance. She was greeted as she expected with a smidge of reluctance and a prolonged hug. She immediately after asked about Charles and his whereabouts. Without sparing a second glance at the opulence that surrounded her she followed Tommy to the top of the staircase where a giddy child was waiting. His little face was adorned with the sweetest, biggest smile. Anna shared the excitement the child felt. He started blabbering away, stealing her away from his father who if Anna had guessed right wanted to speak to her urgently. She could fathom as to what. But the baby came first and as it was late in the evening he would soon go to bed. Tommy would get his moment but for now, the baby had all of her attention.

It was later than she thought she'd see him. After they put Charlie to bed and said good night. Anna was escorted to her room which was close to the nursery. She unpacked, had a very luxurious bath and was served a late dinner in her new room. She found it odd that her first instinct upon arriving here was to find a place for all the belongings that she brought with her. Her dresses hang in the wardrobe, her undergarment was neatly folded in the dresser even her jewellery was displayed upon her vanity. A knock on the door was enough to distract her, her thought process fading. A maid was sent to fetch her and by the look the girl had, she was not most likely filled in the details of her identity. She looked at her accusatory as if she came to steal someone's place. She was led to his office. A very docile maid with no attitude whatsoever announced her appearance. The girl didn't even spare her a glance as she walked out, with her head held high and a haughty expression, she left them alone.

"She's lovely."

Tommy glanced up from his paperwork taking her in. He gestures for her to come closer.


"Doesn't matter. When do I meet my mother?" That mattered more for now.

He didn't respond right away he swirled his chair to his left staring at the bar cart before he made up his mind and he went over to pour himself a glass of too much whiskey. He drank half of it before offering one to her. She huffed and accepted. Anna reached for her drink and when he offered her his hand, she only glance at it twice before accepting that too. He clutched her hand and he threw himself at one of the couches adorning his office bringing her down with him. She couldn't help but giggle at his shenanigans. His lopsided smile grew into a fuller one. They sipped at their drink. He had something difficult to tell her. The silence grew uncomfortable with each thought of calamity passing through her mind.

"What is it?" She finally said. He took too long to answer her so Anna thought that he didn't hear her weakly whispered question. She was going to ask again when he shifted and sighed. His glass was empty and he was holding onto it for dear life his elbows resting on his knees his focus solely on the empty glass.

"The thing is..." He started saying and Anna paused. Her only thought was that her mother didn't want her or she didn't believe him. Or... Anna wanted to rage at the man who promised her a world she never dared imagine only to rip it while she had it in her grasp. She felt tears gathering in her eyes so Anna stood. She walked towards the large window where his chair was, staring out into the darkness she collected herself and tried to swallow all her feelings.

"Just tell me." She demanded, sounding both sure and somewhat detached.

"I didn't tell her."

All emotions came back up and choked her. She turned abruptly to face him making her feel dizzy for a moment, or maybe it was the flustered, frustration she felt for this man. She didn't move. She didn't speak. She glared death at him.

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