sneaking out

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I woke up to smashing of glass as per usual this was normal for me. Unfortunately, my dad happens to be in debt to the worst man ever. Jeon Jungkook. Yes I hate him and yet I was forced to marry him 2 years ago at 16 years old.

"TAE GET DOWN HERE" I heard a yell. Great here we go again, I slowly walked downstairs to see him stood there in the middle of the room as soon as he saw me he snapped. "Who's Ji Won and Bo Gu" he asked holding MY phone in his hands. "There my college friend why" I asked crossing my arms "then why did Ji won call you 'bae' huh?" He asked narrowing his eyes. "He calls everyone that and also who gave you permission to go threw my phone" I snapped at him obviously he didn't like that so he threw my phone at the wall and left the room.

After a few mins he came back with his belt. Great, "come here" his tone was cold like ice my poor ass is going to hate this. I unwillingly got up and walked over to him I obviously took to long as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me over his knee. I squirmed a bit ,as his legs weren't as comfortable as they look I stopped when he hit me with his belt.

"Your getting 20 with belt and 10 with hand for being disrespectful towards me" I of course ignored him. He manovered me to he would be able to hit me easier. "Ready? " before I could reply I was smacked on my ass.

*smack* *smack**smack**smack*

God that hurt. I can't wait for this to be over. I could feel him grab my arm he dragged me towards the pool table Don't know why they have it none of them use it. He bent me over so I couldn't fight him back why would I I'm tiny compared to him.

*smack**smack**smack**smack* *smack**smack**smack**smack*

He pulled me into a hug which wasn't normal for him "maybe if you wasn't such a brat I wouldn't have to do this" he whisperd into my ear. My eyes we're teary and my ass was hurting "let's go put some ointment on it" he led me towards our shared room I climbed on the bed ready to fall asleep and sleep the pain away.

He came back a few mins later fully changed. I felt his side of the bed go down and a soft sigh as he was falling asleep. So much for the ointment. I could hear faint snores so I assumed he was asleep, after a quick maneuver I managed to sit up. Walking towards the wardrobe, was manageable.

I had been invited to a party which I was not gonna miss out on because off Jungkook. Walking towards the closet, I glanced around looking for what to wear. Something show setting, something fabulous. Like that! Collecting the clothes I needed, I crept towards the bathroom to change into my outfit. (pic above) I walked out of the bathroom grabbing my phone and bag. Glancing at my seemingly sleeping "husband" creeping out the bedroom I began my decent down the hallway towards the stairs. Fortunately for me Jungkook's family was out of town for a few days so I could get to the party on time and back before Jungkook had the chance to wake up and realise I was gone.

Creeping down the stairs, it was dark in the home the last time I went out was to go to a wedding for Namjoon and Jin. Once I reached the end of the stairs I crept towards the door careful not to make to much noise otherwise id be dead. I grabbed the car keys layed out on the counter near the front door I had made sure to leave them their so I wasn't spending to much time looking for them. I crept out the door spotting the gate open cause it mysteriously broke (I broke it) when it was open so they had to leave it open. Unlocking the car i sat inside it was jungkooks car as i wasnt allowed my own because he deemed it dangerous. I shoved the keys in and started the engine pulling out the driveway.

It took around 20mins to get to the party that ji won was hosting at his club. I parked relatively close to the club and stepped out the car. I noticed the music was playing so loud i could barely hear my self think. Entering inside the club i notice a bunch of drunk people presumably club goers although I did recognize a few from my classes I take. The strong stench of alcohol burned my nostrils as I walked closer and closer to were ji won and Bo Gu were both stood waiting to head into the private area he had reserved. "Yo tae I didn't think you would make it with your psycho husband" Bo Gu spoke sipping his whisky, "well I did now get me a drink or three I need it after today" I replied following them to the area "why what happened?" Ji won questioned taking a seat on one of the sofas "well how long have you got" I asked, he checked his watch before looking up "id say a good 3 hours" he replied.

So they're we sat me replaying to them what happened this evening and how my phones bust "dam that must suck, living with a beast like him" Bo Gu spoke coming back with a drink and handing me it. I took a sip of the drink, it was a vodka coke with a strange taste to it. "Bo Gu did you add sum to this" I asked swirling my drink "no but I asked the bartender to give us sum to have a better time" he shrugged. Shortly after receiving a slap on the back of the head by Ji won "idiot, the bartenders here all have consent to add stuff to drinks". he sighed as he tilted his head back, I sipped my drink again and got a slight head ache but I also had an urge to dance, so I got up and made my way to the dance floor. I was finally ready to let loose and have fun for once in my miserable life married to Jungkook made me want to barf I mean he wasn't even that good looking (no one come, this is all fake) I noticed a man took my attention as he made his way over to me, I was quite intoxicated by this point but still had some sense in me to move away but he followed me. I walked towards the bathroom hoping to hide in their I was about to lock the door, when it got shoved open..

who is behind the door is it Jungkook..? or is it someone else..?

ill try to update every Sunday if I can or earlier sorry this took so long to write I had a bit of writers block.

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