Chapter 3 - Pact of Dragons

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April 3rd, 1936; 6:12 PM

Tanya's Office, General Staff Headquarters

Berun, The Empire

Compared to some officers, Tanya's office was relatively modest, all things considered. There was the effectively obligatory portrait hanging on the wall as well as seats and a bookshelf, however whereas some generals made their offices luxurious and grand, Tanya's could be described as far more professional.

Within her bookshelf was a row of awards, specifically metals, she had been given throughout her years in the Army, especially after the battle of Josefgrad and the end of the war. Though, in truth, it was less of memorabilia and more a showcase of her contributions to the Empire, likely for visitors to see should she ever have official business.

In public, and even in official events, she didn't wear many metals too often. In fact, she rarely wore more than one, the Silver Wings Assault Badge, though one frequent occasions she would wear the Iron Cross. From my talks with her, she said that she didn't like to show off, and that officers that cared to flaunt all of their metals for any reason besides trying to get respect or to be respectful are egotistical.

I have, of course, seen Tanya with all of her medals and badges on, however this has only been a few occasions. One being many of the various victory parades and celebrations after the war, another being her promotion into General Staff, and the last being her meeting with the Kaiser, although there may be others I don't know about. When she does wear them all, she basically shimmers like a christmas tree from just how many she has. Given that she was a war hero, they likely adorned her with many for publicity and propaganda purposes. Some of the medals sound made up and obscure as well as oddly specific to her, those were the ones she disliked the most.

Regardless of its elegance, it was clear to anyone who entered that she was a competent and well-respected officer, if her medals on the shelf didn't give it away. As for what I was here for... Well that much was obvious.

I spent many years with Tanya, she's taught me a lot, and that's not limited to being a good mage, at least not in the most basic of senses. Not only do I, at least in my mind, have a fundamental understanding of how she works, but she herself has taught me how to read and understand events to see what's happening. This of course wasn't limited to one on one conversation, but rather the whole of global politics, and given that, and given what's coming, it's clear there's only one thing she's here to convince me of. The shame is that trying to convince me is ultimately going to be a waste of time.

Mostly because I've already left my resignation at the cafe.

After Tanya gestured for me to take a seat, she sat down as well. She had grown, but she was still certainly short, relatively speaking, though her breasts had at least seen some growth which is a good sign, although given her age she's unlikely to grow much more.

"Alright, Visha, I know you're not technically a member of the Imperial Army, however what I'm about to tell you is still, at least for now, classified, at least until it's publicly announced in about a month. I believe I can trust you with this information?"

"Of course, Lieutenant General!"

"I told you, you're not apart of the Imperial Army right now, there's no need to use my rank."

"Well we are in your office, aren't we?"

Tanya sighs, "That we are, if you want to call me by my title then I won't stop you, though it is strange for a civilian to do, isn't it?"

It would appear Tanya's caught onto my decision already. "Well you're here to ask me to return to the Imperial Army as your assisstant, right? You've probably got some mission regarding the escalation of tensions with the Qin and Akitsushimans and you've got a lot of paperwork and a large lists of tasks to do, right?"

While it seems Tanya had assumed I picked up on it quickly, it seemed she was somewhat flustered by how much I had predicted, and from her slight grin, I'm going to assume I was right.

"I see you've grown a lot, Visha. I remember when you were still a nervous mess back in the Rhine Theater, a brave and committed nervous mess, but still very much a nervous mess."

"Thank you, Lieutenant General!" Was that a compliment?

"As you've properly identified, tensions are rising in the east, and war is practically inevitable. As you've accurately guessed, however, is that the Empire is getting involved, and I've been placed at the head of it all."

"Do you know why you specifically? I have my own guesses, but I'm curious as to if there were any alternative intentions."

"From what I can tell, there aren't any alternative motives. I don't necessarily have much in terms of political opposition in the General Staff, so there's no reason for someone to try and send me away. In truth I believe it's because they've decided I'm one of the most diverse in my knowledge, easily a capable military commander, mage, and with knowledge of logistics and economics to boot. They chose me because they needed a single, central leader who can competently lead all aspects of it."

"From the way you phrase it, it's some sort of build up mission then? Aiding a country in its economic and military buildup in preparation for the war?"

"Correct, Visha. I'm being put in charge of the 'Westernization' of the Qin army, logistics, and economy. Of course Mage Corps included. Though if I had to guess, I have a feeling this isn't going to end once the war begins. It's likely this will turn into a volunteer mission, with Imperial volunteers being sent. Predicting this, I'm going to be doing my best to reunite the remaining members of the 203rd to join me in modernizing the Qin army so that when war begins, the 203rd is immediately ready to aid. Personally I'd like to get the whole salamander kampfgruppe, however something of that scale isn't possible, though given enough time after the war actually begins, I can perhaps convince the rest of the general staff to give me some volunteer units to build up a new one."

"I assume you want me to help you as your assistant again I take it? It must be a lot of paperwork, and surely you're not going to personally speak with every member of the 203rd right?"

"You know you've grown quite a lot Visha, I'm quite surprised at how well you pick up on things now."

"Well I learned from the best!"

"That you did, so what do you say? I can't personally offer you too much, however I'm certain you'll be rewarded, and if you stay in the army, who knows, I might be able to twist some hands into getting you a promotion." Tanya winks and grins at me, and knowing her, she meant what she said.

Whether or not I remain in the army is one thing, however I'm happy to help out Tanya again, I don't have much connections outside of the Army, I haven't been able to make many friends outside of the 203rd or other army groups since the war's end. Given the fact the Empire will most certainly enter a war eventually, even if others don't realize it, it might be a good idea to get a good position in the army before it happens, that's what Tanya's taught me after all, even if indirectly.

"I'd be glad to help you out again, Lieutenant General Tanya Degurechaff!" I stood up and saluted her proudly, it had been a long time since I had done something like this in such a setting. Despite the nightmare that was the Empire during that period, I still have a strange nostalgia towards it and my comrades. I just hope this new reunion doesn't turn bloody too quickly.

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