Chapter 1 : Move In Day

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Genevieve's POV:

Freshman Year. I can't believe it, college. New year, new me is kind of cliche right? At least I have my brother and Bestfriend here with me. Getting into a top 10 hbcu is a different kind of accomplishment. My brother and I, we hang in different crowds, at least in high school we did. I was the introverted cheerleading nerd, my brother was the star athlete, I mean he is here on a baseball scholarship. Then there's my bestfriend, the extroverted Prom Queen. They were the two most popular kids in school, and I was popular... by association. We all said we were gonna be involved at school. That we were going to make our own mark. 

Sage, that's my Bestfriend. She's amazing and we've been inseparable since elementary school. We actually were able to room together, which is AMAZING if you can imagine. It's suppose to be four of us but one of the girls we assumed dropped out last time minute, so it's just us and this other girl.

 It's suppose to be four of us but one of the girls we assumed dropped out last time minute, so it's just us and this other girl

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Third Person POV:


Sage and Eve peered out their rooms with the yelling in the living room. There was a girl, white they assumed, drop dead gorgeous, and annoyingly chirpy. 

???: Hey! I'm guessing you're Genevieve, and then you must be Sage, correct?

Sage: Yea, and you are?

???: The name's Scarlet Morais! Get used to the name, you'll see me on a movie screen one day.

Eve: Hi, Scarlet! It's great to meet you! It looks like you have your own bathroom. Lucky you. 

Scarlet: Yea, you could say that, they might move someone in.

There was a moment of silence, awkward even but it is expected since the girl didn't know of each other.

Sage: So... the burning question, I have to ask..

Scarlet: Why did a white girl decide to go to an HBCU? White, is such an American term you know? I'm from Italy, born and partially raised, but I've grown up my entire life around people of color. White people bore me, honestly.

The room once again gets quiet, then the girls burst into laughter.

Sage: You not on no cultural appropriating shit are you?

Eve: SAGE! 

Sage: What? Everyone's tryna "be down" all of a sudden. Gotta make sure.

Everyone starts laughing .

Eve: Well, I'm Genevieve, Eve for short. 

Scarlet: Curious, what are y'all's majors?

Sage: I'm a Studio Art Major, Art History Minor. Eve does History and Philosophy.

Scarlet: Oh wow, I feel so out touch! But I'm a theatre major. 

Sage: So you sing? Well let's hear it then, gotta see if you're good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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