Chapter 2-The Boys Reaction

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*Simon PoV

It was 9 in the morning I went in their room , they were their half awake, no wait Niall n Harry were practically sleeping on Louis n Liam were discussing a song's theme. "Goodmorning boys"i addressed them . At this Harry woke up from Louis lap n sat straight whereas Liam shaked Niall to reality who was noisily sleeping on his shoulder. "morning , we didn't realise how long were u over here?"asked Liam . "I just came when u were talking to Louis "I said hugging him. I hugged them one by one while they told me that I needn't worry they were fine. We chatted for a long time n I had totally forgotten about my prime motive.As Paul came I realised I had to say it no matter what .after all the greetings Niall said"oh paul we don't wanna workout today,we are so tried and sleepy "."I can bet u have been sleeping before I came "Paul replied . at this the boys smiled sheepishly. After a few jokes I heard Lou come in with some drinks ."I know u all had ur breakfast,but plz drink up, it will help u wake up n it's not coffee , n it's good for ur health" Lou chimed as she handed the boys their glasses. I saw the reluctant faces turn to disgust, I bet the juice sucked.i quickly denied mine saying I was all awake."eww , lou what on earth is this , it's so bitter ."harry said with a face I would have loved to click a picture of n laugh all day ."yeah Lou why r u doing this to us, its shit!"said Louis putting his glass down.I was trying not to laugh, very hard . "sh shh drink up, I don't wanna hear another word, Louis u drink it right now or I'll chop ur hair off"lou replied angrily I guess it's the best warning a hairstylist can give .it had to work Harry gulped down his glass in seconds . Liam was half done n shaked his head "plz Lou not more, I was already awake!!"."oh come on guys it's nice , I like it , I think I've had this before....maybe at a cousins house....."said Niall . "yeah sure Niall , u can almost eat or drink anything when u are hungry....but I can't "Louis said earning a punch from Niall ,which Louis replied to with his drink , to which Niall threw his and Liam's drink all over Louis n now they were fighting with their plastic glasses. "stop it right now, when will u grow up!!" Shouted Paul in his thunderous baritone. I was now holding on to Niall while Paul had himself over Louis."he started it "Louis screamed at Niall ,"no u did!!" Niall replied. Lou pretty angry by now held Louis by his ear n said to his face"u go get cleaned up right now "."or else what?? " Louis replied smirking ."ow ow okay okay"he said when Lou started twisting his ear . then she turned to Niall , he was already scared,"u also okay!" Lou said to Niall ,he quickly nodded n went to change. By this time the janitor had come ,maybe Liam called him .
We did hear some murmurs from where They both went to change , I shushed everybody down trying to listen. " yeah she's so strict ,n ya sorry man , I said that ,u know I didn't mean",
"aw Louis m sorry too , I got us into this mess n I feel so sorry about ur ear, I realised my mistake when I heard u wince ....i m so stupid ",
"oh come m fine, plus I had fun ,we even got Liam a bit dirty.hehe ".
"ooh u look good in dat shirt ",
"No u look great n so adorable ,come here u ......",
Okay !! " Boys if u r done cuddling then plz come out quickly ,we are still waiting ".
"We were not cuddling!! "Louis came out holding Niall's shoulder .
"So Simon what is it that you wanted to talk about"said Paul driving attention to me, oh no I can't get away with it .....guys looked at me curiously .
"So boys as u know I totally understand u are not in high spirits right now it's difficult for u to move ahead but u'll have to! "I said n their smiles had faded, I continued "u can see it yourself that we've lost fans ,a lot of them , n also the management had to incur many losses , they feel we need something new , something different ,we want people to like us not pity us".i had paused the next lines will be the toughest ."continue....!!"said Liam ."so we need a new edge, maybe a new....a new ........"I don't know how to say, "a new member!!"paul completed for me. I watched Liam stand up from his seat "what , that can't happen!!".
"How can u think about replacing zayn ",Harry seemed angry as well.
"No no , nobody can ever take his place , we are better as 4 ,we don't need anybody ,it's better to say goodbye rather "Niall uttered annoyed.
"Look lets just think about it again , there's no pain in trying right n we r not replacing zayn nobody can replace him but,he has already left,we can't help it,we got to move on , get up n do something different ,isn't he doing the same??"i tried to reason with them .
"I think Simon's right sorry but I agree with him completely ,he left us , he is with that potato ,he is happy n so we also have the right to be happy ,to do what we want ".
"Omg Louis u r supposed to be on our side , have u imagined how bad zayn might feel about this!!" Liam was now breathing heavily ,clearly the most angry right now....
"Liam, I understand that n u gotta understand how bad we are feeling right now . he understood it we should too".
"Yeah n even zayn knows nobody can take his place, we all have to stop this n get on with life n it's changes, its a roller coaster right!?" Niall reacted.
"Even I agree with Simon " said Paul n Lou nodded .
"Look ,I know it's difficult ,but it's difficult already so why not just give this idea a chance , just once lets just welcome a new member maybe just a temporary one...who's with me".
"What are u thinking Harry ?.say something "said Louis .
well the situation's very tense but I never thought Liam would be against this and Louis , Louis in support of it ......guess it's too much to take in ...
"Louis , u shouldn't have agreed , u are the one who's acting all like an ex,sassing him on Twitter, messaging him insults , how did u get over it so suddenly "Liam seemed like he was gonna break something .
"Mate I have a much balanced mind, I just listened to my intuition ,it says it's time to break a leg!!" He said suddenly smiling like he had seen the light.
"Sorry Liam I'm gonna change my side"harry finally uttered.
After a lot more negotiations .,"fine I agree to it , just for u lads because I luv u all". "oh thankgod Liam u agreed , we won't move ahead with one of u".i said relived ,but he just nodded.
"I think the boys need a break . we'll talk about the rest tomorrow, right Simon ."Paul looked at me. "yeah I'll be leaving now, I'll give u guys the details tomorrow ".
"Wait .,have u already thought of who it's gonna be?" Asked Liam .
"Omg ,is it going to be Justin or Sam or zedd or any rapper ?" Niall said , the lad still likes justin.
"Oh no no , it's going to be ur decision the only preference we have is that it should be a budding singer , not an established one because we don't want trouble between the fans...."i replied.
"Can it be a girl as well, because that will give it the edge , a revolutionary edge ......."said Lou .
"What no way "Harry reacted.
"That is so not happening , our boy band won't be a boyband anymore!!! What r u even thinking Lou?" Said Liam .
"Liam it would be a nice change , a girl can change the way a song sounds........a sweet voice can add a new dimension to a tune"lou explained .
"I have to agree with Lou , I had thy thought and I was gonna say it tomorrow but now that it's out, I have to say a girl changes everything about the lyrics about the tune plus our fandom will increase so will profits"said quickly uttered .
"I think we need a calm n easy to handle person here......she can definitely help me with you guys"paul said trying to lighten up the mood.
"I think it'll be fun to have a girl all the time around you"niall said sweetly. boy !he needs a gf.
"I m already thinking about how we can tease her, woah I haven't been this happy since my breakup".louis has an evil smirk on . I don't know why but I'm already afraid for that girl.
"Then its final we will have a fan as our new member n I m gonna behave n control my anger , idk why but I like Louis thoughts, n the fun we'll have!! "
After some more jokes and long laughing session I said byes n left .
I hope it turns out fine , I called the management guy n told him all about it , n also we'll see further things tomorrow.

How was it guys?
Ohmy Nouis heart and ziam as well.
So comment

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