marcy//just a kiss!

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Something flashed. Something flashed for a split second and she saw Sasha. She looked hurt, but was looking at her with hope in her eyes. What just happened? The three of them had been playing in marcys switch for a few hours before Marcy had fallen asleep. Maybe that was just a dream? Anne and Sasha didn't seem to notice she had woken and they were just blatantly staring at the wall. Marcy looked at them for a few minutes and they still didn't move. "Hey guys," she asked, making sure they were dead or something. They seemed to snap out of something before responding. "Hello mar mar." They said in sync almost a bit creepy in marcys opinion.

Marcy sat up and heard the Mario music still playing on the Nintendo which was next to her. Weird, Anne or Sasha would have probably turned it off since it had probably been a few hours. Marcy switched the off button before Anne began to speak. "So mar mar, what would you like to do now?" "Well um, my head kind of hurts actually. I had this weird dream I think." Marcy began. "Sasha looked really hurt and she was looking at me and everything else was like destroyed." Anne and Sasha looked horrified. "Oh uh haha what a silly dream. You should just get some rest!" Anne said quickly. "Yeah!" Sasha agreed. "Maybe you just stared at your game for too long."

No, that was normal for Marcy to stare at her screen for long periods of time. It wasn't normal to get a piercing headache from it. "Maybe…" she responded, confused because Anne and Sasha knew she 'gamed' all the time. This whole thing feels like a weird haze. "Want me to grab you some medicine, mar mar?" Anne asked. "No, no, it's fine." Marcy said, rubbing her head. "Can we watch a movie or something?" "Great idea! How about ''War of the warlocks?" Sasha asked. "I thought you didn't like that movie?'' You and Anne always fall asleep." Marcy remarked. "I wanna watch it as well!" Anne chimed in.

"Okay, then!" Marcy said, forgetting about her suspicions, happy that her friends- girlfriends wanted to watch her favorite movie. "I'm gonna go grab some blankets!" Anne shouted, hopping off the bed and sprinting downstairs. Sasha gave Marcy a small kiss on her cheeks before getting up and plugging her phone in to charge. 'wouldn't Sasha want her phone for the movie? When it gets boring?', Marcy thought. Sasha sat back down next to marcy as Anne walked up the stairs with a blanket, out of breath from running around the house.

She handed Sasha the blanket and sat down. Sasha spread the blanket out over them, Marcy in the middle, Sasha on her left side and Anne on her right. They all cuddled together before watching the entire movie for once.

-Back to Anne and Sasha-

Anne pressed her lips against Sashas, and one kiss turned to many. The two were soon out of breath, giggling but also surprised. Did they just kiss each other? Anne yawned and lay down. "Sashy," she giggled. "You're a good kisser." Sasha immediately flustered and looked away, trying to hide it, making an e laugh even more. 'This didn't mean she was in love. It was just a kiss. Just a small crush on her two best friends.' Sasha thought to herself. Anne couldn't have possibly meant all of those things she had said. Besides, it was late at night. Everyone says crazy things when they're tired, right? Sasha lay down next to Anne who she thought to be asleep. Sasha wrapped her arms around Anne's waist and softly smiled. Maybe she did have a crush on this goofball. "I think- I think I really like you Anne." She whispered, thinking Anne couldn't hear her.

Anne instantly turned beet red. She had been thinking the same thing as Sasha. 'Haha, like as a friend, a best friend even! Friendship kisses, right?' she was so glad Sasha couldn't see her face right now. They would probably just forget about the kisses and everything in the morning.

Sasha woke up to Anne laying on her chest, while she still had her arms wrapped around her. She was quite comfy actually, but she knew she had work. Suddenly she remembered the kisses and became flushed. That really did happen! Sasha slowly lifted herself up, trying not to wake Anne up but failing. "Hm? Sashy?" Anne groaned. "Where are you going?" "Huh? Oh! Hey Anne, I'm just gonna try to plan how to get Marcy back." Sasha responded. "It's too early for that," Anne said, sitting up. "Also, I just- about last night…" she began. "Oh, haha! Uh you know I really have to go right now! We'll talk later, k?" Sasha said, getting up quickly and running up the stairs, out of the basement, trying to avoid talking about previous events.

Only 826 words, but as summer approaches I should be getting longer chapters out! Only 3 more weeks...

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