The Namikaze Legend, Chapter 49

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Naruto could feel his head throb in pain but he ignored the jolts and focused on his footing. His vision was starting to come back to him but the pace of the mission was too fast and his body was feeling heavy. Ignoring the side effects, Naruto couldn't help but inwardly smile. He cured his little sister. He was going to be a bigger brother! As a single child for a majority of his childhood, he always longed for a younger sibling. All his friends told him siblings stole their parent's attention but after seeing his younger sister, he couldn't care less.

Looking at his younger sister, he felt his heart swell up with pride. He imagined all the things he would do with her. Train her, take her to the festivals and carry her on his shoulders, make fun of their parents together, wreak havoc on the village, bake cookies together. He could imagine all the fun things he could do with her. But first he had to learn her name.

Naruto inwardly smirked. He was planning all this stuff for his younger sibling but he doesn't even know her name. But name doesn't matter at this point, he'll find out when he gets back. Right now, he's glad he's out of the deep end. A few hours back, the baby girl almost died in his hands. And in almost a split second, she was fine again and he had just finished a level three chakra transfer seal without even thinking. It was the strangest feeling.

Naruto kept his hand steady, the hum of his chakra filling his ears. He could see in the corner of his eye that his parents were both asleep. Minato sat slumped in the seat with his arms crossed and Kushina laid still, face up like a mummy. He focused back on the girl in front of him.

Your chakra is at 30%, you're almost done with the procedure but watch out.

You got it.

Naruto felt his muscles ache and his feet felt sore. He took his eyes off the baby a second time and looked around the room. He'd been there for several hours now, sending in chakra nonstop. He started to hallucinate as nothing seemed to move within the room. His ninja trained eyes were looking for movement but found none. When he looked back at his baby sister, he almost yelled out in shock.

The girl's face was replaced with that of a demon, reminding him of his mission several years back with the Uzumaki vaults. He blinked and the baby's face was back to normal. He shook his head and focused on the task at hand. He looked up at the monitor and noticed the small decline in her chakra. She was starting to deny a small portion of the chakra and that portion was only going to grow bigger as he pumped more in. Her heart was beginning to slow down and Naruto began to panic.

She's going to die, you know.

Naruto flinched and looked around, looking for the source of the voice. It was alluring, soothing, mysterious, and Naruto didn't recognize it.


Hmmm, close but not close enough. Aren't you going to save your sister?


She's dying. What you're doing isn't going to work.

Who are you?

Just a helping...friend.

That's not very helpful or specific.

Just listen to me, boy. You know the chakra transfer jutsu, right?

That's what I'm doing right now.

I'm talking about level 4.

...Are you insane. No one's achieved that level and level 3 is already insane enough.

Hmm, then what about trying level 3?

Still insane. Just leave me alone, I feel like a crazy nutjob talking to myself

But you're not talking to yourself


I just want to say that Level 2 clearly isn't enough and if you say you can't achieve Level 4, then Level 3 is your only option. Besides, you're in a family of ninja. At this rate, even if she did survive, she would live as a civilian.

But did you even read-

Do you want to save your sister?

But the effects-

Forget the effects. Your sister is dying, don't you want to spend time with her? Family. She's your family.


You were already thinking about doing it yourself anyway, why not go through with it. You know the seal, you know the hand seals, you have ink, you have a brush, all you need to take that thought and turn it into an action.


That's right, pull the ink out and dip the brush in. Now draw them onto her skin, yes, just like that. Now repeat after me, boar, sheep, horse, snake, ram, snake, dragon, rat. Good, just like that.


Look, her vital signs are improving already. She might grow up a bit faster than normal, but no one in your family is normal anyway. She'll be fine. You'll be fine.


Keep channeling your chakra into her. The seal needs help. Good. Good job...Inori...

"They're coming in a lot faster than expected, hn."

"Are you saying we won't be able to finish on time?"

"No but-"

"We're fine. These guys are nothing anyway"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. The ninth jinchuuriki is part of the group. And from what I heard, he's just as adept at his bijuu as the eighth. It won't be easy."

"What the hell do you know anyway. You're from that village aren't ya. I wouldn't be surprised if you were still working with them-"

"I massacred a large chunk of my clan along with the elders of the village. Do you really think they'd want to work with me in the first place?"

", true."

"Regardless, what he said is true, the ninth is in the group but that doesn't mean we won't finish on time."

"I just came to tell you that so keep it in mind. Shinobi no Inari is a lot harder to take down than you think. He managed to take down a potential Akatsuki member as a genin."

"Ha, those cronies are easy to beat. Of course he'd be able to beat them-"

"It was Hidan."



"I don't particularly care about you but if we continue to lose our members, at this rate, Akatsuki will be reduced to shark-imitating fish and weeds. We don't need fools in this organization."



Sakura was definitely, 100% sure Naruto was not physically up for this mission. A collapse just after using a single jutsu is already enough to warrant suspension from C-rank missions. This was an A-rank borderline S.

She watched silently as naruto continued to stumble at his feet. He was clearly getting better. Better at acting, at least. Sakura knew whatever happened to Naruto earlier will only get progressively worse. It was only a matter of time before he will collapse and not wake up for a while.

It seemed the silver haired nin was thinking along the same lines. The man was taking worried glances at the teen, watching as the blond looked at his feet every so often. A genin mistake.

Naruto's head was elsewhere and on a high A-ranked mission, it was going to get him killed.

The Namikaze Legend by AerotylWhere stories live. Discover now