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Caden was making a good attempt at rationalizing what happened. He had felt emptied of evil influence, he had needed a distraction, the comfort of someone else taking control. That was why he had let it transpire. So he put aside guilt and discomfort and held on to the elation it had brought him. But he found it unsettling that Marrow could recompose himself so quickly, as if nothing had happened.

It had secretly been life changing for Marrow, to succumb to someone, to experience their flavor in the most intimate of ways, aside from what they had shared the night before. The paring of the two sent him into thought about how he could truly use someone like Caden. A willing and accepting man who didn't shy away from experimentation. He was quickly growing more fond of the idea of keeping him around. It wasn't love at first sight, but more fascination with first bite. Both literally and figuratively. He needed a companion, and Caden had been presented to him nicely.

Awkwardly, Caden re-clothed his member and stood, nodding, "Yeah- Yes. Ok." He wanted to strike himself, he sounded like a boy in the presence of an intimidating animal. He took a breath in and out, smiling, "A glass of wine sounds really good."

He followed Marrow into the living room and sat down beside him on a velvet couch, the man pouring them each a glass of deep white wine. He took his glass and sipped at it immediately, needing the drink after having sex with a deranged man. Not that he wasn't deranged in his own way. The stoicism was back on Marrow's features as he too took a sip.

Caden wasn't sure about taking his time, so he downed three large gulps, just as Marrow turned to him, "Do you still wish to die?"

The question had been so quick, so forward, and so laughable that Caden brought down his glass and practically glared, "You really think I would change my mind about that? I have no reason to live. I degrade myself, I- I think about harming myself every day. I can't live like that."

Marrow took another sip before licking his lips, contemplating. That was what he had expected, but not what he wanted to hear. But he would have been foolish if he thought things would change over-night. At least not without a solid reason. He opened his mouth and waited a beat before saying, "What if your life was better? What if you could live here?"

That took Caden aback, he hadn't expected that at all. His brows furrowed as he took two more large gulps, almost finishing the glass. If he were to live there, would that really mean he'd be happier? It was a lavish place, it was interesting, and he wouldn't be alone. He didn't want to be alone. He had been lonely for years now. The thought of sharing his life with someone was very tempting. But with a cannibal? That was risqué. He was about to answer when Marrow began to pour him more wine. He let out an incredulous puff of laughter, "Are you trying to get me to drink more so I'll say yes?"

Marrow partially smiled and partially smirked, humored, "If that's what it takes. I am fairly good at taking what I want."

Caden took a large gulp and shook his head, tempted to roll his eyes, but actually cared about being respectful, "I could tell. You didn't even ask if I was ok with what you did. What was that?"

The older man took a sip of his own wine. If he were one to flush he would have. He wasn't very happy with the question. He opted for saying simply, "I am rather infatuated with you."

That was a good enough answer for Caden, he needed to hear it, even though he already could tell. He brought the rim of the glass up to his lips as he thought about why Marrow might want him to stay there. It was somewhat obvious but he didn't want to assume, "So, what. We'll be a couple? We'll kill and eat together? Talk about nothing and everything? The perfect life."

Marrow still looked bemused, his eyes shining, "That was my plan exactly."

Caden drank the rest of his glass, maybe he did need to be drunk for this. He didn't have much time to process, he knew that. He had to answer right away. He thought about whether or not it would make him happy. If he'd truly be content if he had someone in his life. If he was truly willing to sit by when people died and were cooked and consumed. But he'd already crossed that line. Maybe he could deal with it. Maybe-

"Give it a trial run," Marrow cut through his thoughts, "If you still want to die in one month then I shall kill you."

That could work, Marrow could still consume him if things weren't to work out. Caden had nothing to lose, he wasn't happy with life already, why not try something new and see where it goes. He sighed, "I will give it a month. But... Like I said, we will be together. Right? Or am I mistaken?"

Marrow took a few sips, letting anticipation set it, before, "Yes. That was my intension. I want you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But if I grow tired of you, I will kill you. It goes both ways. One month."

Caden laughed, hard, the alcohol setting in, "You!" he had to try to hold in his laughing enough to speak, "You just met me last night and you... You want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

The older man was amused now as well, "Yes, indeed. I've never eaten flesh with another, never once tasted the living as I did with you. I feel I am ready to allow someone into my life. And you are surely the one. I assure you."

"Ahh... Well. I will accept, then. I have no reason to decline. I was planning on it being the end anyway." He took the liberty of pouring more wine, he still needed to feel the buzz, even if just to come to terms with what he had just agreed to.

Marrow set his own glass down, turning serious, "With that decided. I wish for you to taste me as I have tasted you. You may consume me. But only if you agree to my term."

Caden narrowed his eyes as he took a long drink, it sounded good to him in his intoxicated state, "That sounds fair. What's your term?"

"Your being here must be under marriage. Though it will not be official, I would like your ring finger to consume, and in return, you shall have mine."

Caden second guessed the sip he was taking and spit it back out into the glass. It was a bold suggestion, but it wasn't too out there. He could probably live with it, sure that it wasn't just is inebriated state doing the thinking for him, "Now?"

Marrow beamed, "Now."

Delectable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora