Prologue Part 2

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  Tw: Slight gore, J.D (Jason Dean from the Heathers) emofied, highschool musical, Dino, swearing.


crunch. crunch. crunch.

The sound of a young child running through the leaf filled path was barely audible in the large park. Y/N could be seen running through the park in question, clinging a couple jenny to their chest with a blanket wrapped around their shoulders as they ran.

Their feet were moving as fast as Y/N could move them. The reason as to why they were running was because they had just committed their first ever crime, theft, thieving, thievery. They had stolen Chono's blanket and the tip money from his latest show. The money was for their usual ramen, and the blanket was so that if Y/N deemed anyone worthy of seeing their disappearing trick, they would be able to perform it for them.

Everything was moving swimmingly, until Y/N tripped while exiting the park, but that did not stop them. They spent another thirty minutes running.

A whole two miles later they stumbled upon the York New library. Y/N slowly walked up the steps leading to the three big arches, heaving as they did so. (Like that one scene from howl's moving castle.) Soon enough, they found themself under the middle arch.

When they entered, they saw rows of shelves after shelves, each one full to the brim with books of all sorts. Books that were from Turkey and books that were imported from Maine.

That looks like 55 million books and other items if I've ever seen 55 million books and other items. I bet their budget was US$302,208,000 in 2017. It looks like it was established in 1895 AKA 127 years ago. I wonder if they have insurance.

As Y/N was looking around a couple of rows, Y/N started to feel dizzy because of the fact that they had not eaten for a couple of days, but, in good old Y/N fashion, they chalked it up to being because of the powder they had snorted a few days prior.

Deciding it was the perfect time to do some research on the powder, they pranced over to a public computer.

Y/N reached their hand out to touch the computer only for it to bite them!😱


"OUCH!" screeched Y/N " You know, I didn't need you anyway!" Y/N stomped away to find someone to help them use the computer.

"Stop charing your chesticles for locals in heat, we are in a library!" whispered-yelled a voice from behind a bookshelf.

"WHY? IS PRECIOUS JEALOUS!" shouted a louder, deeper voice.

"No, you dopey gorilla, and stop yelling, have you never learnt manners?" said the former voice.

Y/N walked around the bookshelf to see a muscular, shirtless man and a slimmer, properly dressed man. Both of whom were very tall.

*cough cough* Y/N coughed. No answer. *cough Cough COUGH* Y/N coughed once again. The man with pink hair was first to acknowledge their presence but quickly shooed them away with a swat of his hand then turned back to his shirtless friend. Y/N squinted their eyes, annoyed at the man's reaction.

Who do these people think they are ignoring me , ME!? The cutest kid on earth, I'll make them pay 😈😈😈!

Leaving the two men to fight, They walked back to where they previously sat, grabbed two chairs. However, they were only successful in carrying one of the two back to the men. Once they got back, they tried coughing one more time to get their attention before resorting to their final method.

The Misadventures of Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن