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    A woman ran though the woods, her belly was round, a sign to her that she was about to have a child.
"Please baby wait a while, I have to be free of these people before I can have you." She muttered and kept running though the woods.
"I hope we find the pack, you'll be safe if we do." The woman slowed down and leaned agaist a tree since she was now safe from the people who had been chasing her.
"Thank you for waiting baby we'll be a bit safer n-owwwww!" She gripped her stomach as she felt a pain waver through.
"I guess you won't wait much longer." She grimaced and sat down.
After two hours she had birthed a wonderful baby girl.
"Hmmmmmm what will your name be? How about Quinn?" The baby giggled which the woman took as a sign to name the girl Quinn.

The wolf's loyalty: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now