Chapter 3: I Don't Like Mondays

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"Eat shit, and live?" Jonathan laughed, repeating what Mavis had said to Steve. It was lunch, and they had taken up their designated spots on top of the hood of his car, picking at their lunches. She had decided to tell her friend what had happened this morning before her test, and Jonathan was less than surprised about the encounter. He knew about the severe hatred Mavis had for the king of the school, and he completely understood her point of view, even though the deep-rooted anger they had towards each other was barely explained by his long-time friend. The goth took a long drag from her cigarette, tapping the ashes off the end, watching the grey specks fall to the concrete below them.

"Yep. Eat shit and live." She joined in with the laughter briefly, thinking about the look on Steve's face when she slammed shoulders with him before leaving the bathroom. She hoped she had hurt him, but it was a slim chance that she did, she wasn't built to physically fight or harm anyone around her, and she also wasn't prepared to do so either, even if it came down to it. She swung her legs back and forth wind gusting across the both of them as dried orange leaves dragged across the ground, the first signs of fall.

"I don't understand what Nancy sees in him," Jonathan mumbled, taking a bite of his cold cut sandwich, his eyes darting around the parking lot, going over to a few people mingling in front of the bike racks, there were three sets of couples, the girls cuddling against their respective counterparts, laughing loudly with each other. He had always admired Nancy, he indeed had feelings for her, Mavis knew that for sure, yet he never got the courage to go up to her and say hello, or start a stream of conversation. He had plenty of chances though, thanks to the friendship the two girls shared, but he never took them, and probably never would.

"Well, apparently Steve has it all. He has the looks, and that striking personality, he's outgoing, and a jock, and he's a year older than Nancy. He's also the King of the school...There are plenty of things that people say about Steve, but I wouldn't agree with them. I can't stand the fucker." It was all of that, and the fact that the self-named King of the School needed a Queen, and she was in line for the throne, she was just the right fit for his overly relaxed personality. Apart from that, Mavis didn't think that Nancy had the desire to be popular, she was too nice to fit in with Tommy H, and Carol. She had also chosen a friend group that she currently surrounded herself with, but Mavis couldn't help but think of the various situations that would play out because of this newfound popularity. They had been friends for a while and she had the thought that Nancy was probably getting sick of her and Barb's smothering company, she just didn't want to admit it to the both of them.

Mavis took a long drag, her lungs burning from the inhalation of nicotine that slipped through her throat, the off-taste, burrowing itself onto her tongue, as she turned her head away from Jonathan so she didn't blow the smoke into his face, or in his general direction.

"You really believe Nancy is dating that airhead for the popularity?" He questioned, watching her place her thick boot onto the bumper of the car, tapping the ashes off the end of the cigarette lightly, his eyes glancing at the filter which was stained with her lipstick. Out of habit, she fidgeted with it, a light stream of smoke trailing from the grey ashes.

"Unfortunately, I wouldn't put it past her. High school is a popularity contest and we are at the bottom of the hierarchy, we're the bottom feeders, the losers, and things like that don't change until high school is done. She just wants to fit in, and this is her pass to do so." Jonathan looked down at his lunch, his appetite instantly being lost within his thoughts. He hated the fact that there were these classifications in popularity, he didn't mind being a bottom feeder, he didn't care about it. He just wanted to get through it peacefully, with his life and his body semi-intact. High school was just a section of life, and it didn't count in the long run to him. Mavis, on the other hand, didn't care if she was in-tact or not, she didn't care about much actually, except for her mother, and Jonathan, as well as Barb and Nancy. If something were to happen to them, or anyone connected to them she wouldn't know what to do with herself.

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