three | scarlet witch

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IF LOOKS COULD KILL, Stephen Strange would be dead — not that Talia wanted him dead, but she was furious, so, so, furious. The very ally that Stephen had believed could help them, had turned out to be the demon that was after America.

Upon Stephen's return, Kamar-Taj had gathered with Talia wishing that America had slight control of her powers to get them out of this mess. To leave, Talia would have to face Kamar-Taj; to stay, Talia would have to face a powerful witch.

Either way, they were screwed — so, so, screwed.

"Scarlet Witch," Wong had whispered the name, fearful of it.

"Wanda's gone," Stephen confirmed. "She's got the Darkhold, but the Darkhold has her."

Around the room, everyone was looking at Wong, waiting for the Sorcerer Supreme to say something on the matter. "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfavourable magic," he then explained. "She can rewrite realities she chooses and is prophesied to either rule or annihilate the cosmos."

"She took over a whole town using her mind," Stephen continued, fuelling Talia's anger, as well as her fears. The more they spoke, the lesser their chances seemed. "If she gets to America's power, she could enslave the entire multiverse."

"So, the person you went to ask for help, and told exactly where I am, is the person that's trying to kill me?" America summarised.

"Yeah," Stephen answered honestly, clearly regretting his choice to reach out to the witch for help. 

"Not only that," added Talia, fingernails biting into the palm of her hands, but her head had tilted, shooting Stephen an icy look. "But you went knowing she had already enslaved a whole town."


"Don't say anything," Talia snapped at him, hating that she had been proved right. "We should have just left."

"You are safer remaining here," Stephen told her, trying to stay calm. 

"The safest option is to always run," Talia argued.

Now, even Talia knew it would be foolish to run, no matter how much she wanted to. If they had run in the first place, then maybe they would be too far within the Multiverse for the Scarlet Witch to reach them. However, the Scarlet Witch would not stop now that she was close, so their best chance was to see how this ended rather than trying to run and hide. Still, though, Talia had decided to leave the moment that they were in the clear.

"Suspend teaching at once," Wong started instructing, knowing their time was precious as every minute counted to prepare themselves. "You arm the students. Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress."

A bell rang, echoing across Kamar-Taj that a war was coming. Already, the sun was starting to sink, so they did not have long to prepare themselves. For America, she had moved to the large window space, watching out as Kamar-Taj started to arm themselves.

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