Chapter 1

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(This is set in the beginning of October, about a month before the start of the 2018-19 season)

As the team walks into the gym they can already hear the arguing coming from the locker room. "Why can't you ever just shut up!" "Well maybe if you would listen and get your head out of your ass I wouldn't have to repeat my self!" "You are so full of your self! Just because you started as a freshman doesn't mean you know everything!" "Maybe! But what I do know is that if you keep running in with out even trying to read the defense, you will turn it over more than you'll score!"

"You are such a — GUYS! Could y'all not! Practice hasn't even started yet and y'all are already going at it! Just chill, Please!" Meme interrupted the sophomore and freshman. Being one of the seniors on the team, she is normally the one breaking up the two whenever they get too annoying or too angry. "I know that y'all don't particularly like each other, but at least try to chill with the arguing. Like seriously y'all argue like an old married couple who hate each other."

"Well if she would stop trying to tell me what to do — you mean if I would stop trying to help a stubborn bitch!" "OKAY! Rae get to the court with everyone else. Evina stay here for a minute." Rae leaves to join the rest of the team in warm ups, while Meme sits down next Evina. "Dude what is going on? You are normally one of the calmest and nicest people on the team." "I know! I don't know why she angers me so much but she gets under my skin like no one I've ever met before."

"I get that she annoys you, but you are a leader on this team. You can't keep getting this heated every time y'all are in the same room ." "I understand and I'm trying to work on it but there is something about her that just makes me go crazy." Evina put her head in her hands. Meme put her hand on her shoulder, "I love you but I honestly do not care just get it together cause we need your head on straight." Evina nodded and got up. Taking a couple deep breaths, she headed out to join the rest of the team for warmups.

Practice was the usual, due to it still being pre-season there wasn't much they could do besides work on their normal drills, plays, and defensive sets. Through out the entire duration of practice, all Evina could think about was the freshman. She didn't understand why Rae bugged her so much. Every time Evina looked over at her, her whole body felt like it was on fire. It felt like a white hot rage washed over her with every glimpse she caught of the freshman guard. Every time the freshman spoke, her eyes felt as if it was impossible to look anywhere else. She could tell whenever Rae's mood changed by the slightest shift in body language. Evina doesn't know when or how she learned so much about the freshman's mannerisms, but maybe that just goes to show how much of the juniors attention Rae has, without Evina even realizing it.

She knew she needed to get whatever it was under control for both herself and the team, but she also had no clue what caused it. As much as she hated arguing with people, a part of her felt almost as if it enjoyed the arguments, like it sought after that conflict between her and Rae. The constant clash between them presented her with an opportunity to have %100 of the freshman's attention. But that brings nothing but more questions. Why does Evina want Rae's attention? Why does she cause conflict to get it? What about Rae makes her feel this way?

While Evina was trying to figure out what about Rae causes her behavior, Rae was wondering the same thing. The freshmen never understood why Evina disliked her so much. What confused Rae even more was that their first interaction was actually quite nice.

Rae's first time meeting Evina

Rae walks into the gym an hour early for practice scanning her surroundings, and taking it all in. Her first college practice was going to start soon and it felt surreal. She worked so hard and put her self through so much, all so she could make it here, one of the best basketball programs in the nation. Even though she's been in this gym before, knowing that she is about to put on the lady Vol's jersey, even if it is just the practice one, for the first time gives her butterflies. The excitement she feels can't even be described.

While She is soaking in the moment she hears footsteps coming on to the court. Startled, she snaps her head around and locks eyes with a girl in a practice Jersey. She recognizes the girl as Evina Westbrook. While Rae has never actually met her, she has seen her on previous campus visits and when she came to observe a couple practices while still deciding where to commit to. After an awkwardly long time time just staring at each other from across the court, Rae snaps out of it and waves while saying, "Hey I'm Rae, I'm a freshman."

Evina doesn't answer at first, she just continued to stare. After a few more moments, she blinks a couple times and finally responds, "Sorry, hey I'm Evina, a sophomore."  Rae smiles and says, "It's good to finally meet you. How come you're here so early? I thought practice didn't start for another hour." Evina laughed and said, "Yeah I just like to get here early to get up some shots before practice starts." Rae nodded and smiled. She always appreciated people with good work ethic. "How come you're here so early?" Evina asked, cutting off Rae's train of thought.

"Honestly, I was just excited." Rae said with a giggle. Evina smiled and said, "Well if you want you can join me." Rae nodded happily and went to the locker room to change. After that they shot in relative silence until practice started and just enjoyed the calming atmosphere.


Nothing about their first meeting indicated that their relationship would be like this. It made no sense to Rae. She truly doesn't understand how such a seemingly nice person could turn into the Evina Westbrook she knows today. Rae was then knocked out of her trance by a basketball to the stomach. Doubling over and trying to catch her breath she hears the voice of the same infuriating person she was just thinking about. " What the hell are you staring at Burrell?" While Rae hopes to figure out what caused the shift of behavior in the senior, she might just kill her before she has the chance.

A/N: I know this is probably terrible cause I am a horrible writer but this whole scenario has been stuck in my head for weeks so I figured I should at least try. Hope y'all have a good day and God bless

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