chapter 2

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Third person POV

It was now 2:47 in the morning
Y/n has left a goodbye letter for her friends
To find.

They dressed in a black long baggy leggings with nets on her upper and lower body with white short cat designed socks,a cropped fluffy black hoodie with cat ears on the top of it and fingerless gloves,
Putting on a choker that has a F/c gem in the middle and the sides designed with beautiful flower and butterfly patterns and putting on her mask that is designed like a Kitty's face and finishing it off with black rubber shoes patterned in a painting of red,black and white flowers.
(But if you don't like it you can just imagine what you would like to wear and I don't know if this outfit is even real because It just entered my mind)

They used the remaining time to pack up food,water,armour and more weapons because they can obviously.

As they were packing they looked at the time and it was 2:59.l

Y/n : "it's time"

Y/n's POV

"It's time"

I took my stuff go downstairs and left through the front door, I know it hurts to leave my friends but I'm still an assassin,and I must obey the rules set by my master.

Then like that I set off to L'manberg.

Time skip (2 hours later)

Why is there giant walls here?
I wonder if the person whose supposed to be
my tour guide is still sleeping..

???:come on,come on!! maybe she's already here!

???:yawns* tubbo it's still so early..
let me sleep...

I turn around and saw two young boys coming
         towards me

'are they my tour guide?,they look like a mother rushing her son to school'

???:look there she is!!!

???:hi ma'am nice to meet you!
'tommy come on..'

???:sigh* hi nice to meet you woman.

Y/n: it's a pleasure to meet you too,
and there is no need to call me ma'am and
calling a lady  /woman/ can be quite offending
to other women, luckily I'm not one of those women,but it's just a suggestion.

???:then what do I call you woman?

???:a-and our names our tubbo and Tommy.

Y/n:thank you for giving me such a useful information,and you can call me by my name:

Tubbo:wow I didn't know you got soft spots for women big man.

Tommy: no I don't! a-and it's just a misunderstanding!

Tubbo:come on Y/n let's go!!

(time skip because I'm lazy)
Third person POV

Tubbo: now that we're all done welcome
to L'manberg

Tommy:and you're staying with me until you build a house.

tubbo:wait what?..

Tommy:Wilbur said so

tubbo:oh ok..

tubbo's POV

I'm kind of jelous
wait what am I thinking
I shouldn't be thinking about that we just met

Tommy POV

she's a still a stranger to me but..
I feel like we're gonna be really good FRIENDS


am I being nice?
master said that if you wanna be friends with a
person you should treat them nicely
yawn* I'm just gonna get going with Tommy

                  THEN I'LL SET OF TO
                DREAM SMP IN TWO DAYS

I'm sorry it's short and also some of the character's will take some time to be in love, romantically or platonicly,
But I hope you enjoyed your time
See you guys next time bye bye!

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