Bar Fight

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Tony cheered out as he slammed the empty shot glass on the counter. A smug grin on his metallic face as he stared at the cat with hazy eyes. His movements started to sway as the alcohol made its way throughout his whole system.

One thing he noticed quickly, was that he could drink a lot more than usual before getting the same effects as he did while alive. He had a literal iron liver now, and he was putting it through his paces.

Husk, who he learned was the name of the cat bartender. Slammed back another shot of the absinthe. The sheer potency could give a normal person a good buzz just by sniffing it.

He was also quite sure that it had a few hallucinogenic effects as well. Because he was starting to see a few really funky things as well. He could've sworn he just saw the most badass furry ever just throw a dragon into a wall. Then walk away with his bottle of booze.

Husk wobbled slightly as he set the shot glass down. A smug grin on his face as he stared at Tony. The two had been trying to outdrank one another for the last half hour. But so far, Husk had been the most challenging opponent he'd ever had. Rhodey being the next best.

His helmet stared back at him from the table as he reached to pour another shot of the absinthe. Careful not to crush the bottle with his gauntlet. Before pouring husk another shot as well.

They both clinked their glasses together before downing their portions.

"Yah k is, I'm surprised you've lasted this long. Someone with a worse tolerance would've keeled over and died by now. But you're still kicking?!" Husk exclaimed with drunken excitement as he used a cheap beer as his chaser. Nearly falling back in his seat if it weren't for a quick flap of his wings.

Tony snorted at seeing the cat nearly fall on his ass. It was always amusing to see drunk people doing stupid shit, especially when your there with them.

"And you've certainly lived up to the hype you kept spouting my furry friend. But I think it's time I ended this little battle of ours. Because Tony Motherfucking Stark doesn't come to lose!" He yelled to the crowd that had gathered.

He grabbed the still one third full bottle, drained by over a dozen shots each, and proceeded to chug the whole thing. Drops of near poisonous level liquor falling into the plates of his suit.

Tony set the bottle down with a triumphant grin as he looked at the shocked Husk. But the cat's shocked expression quickly changed to one of admiration as he stumbled forward. Hand outstretched to shake.

"Seems you beat me dumbass. But that was a real dumb move to chug that. Trust me, you're gonna feel it later." Husk said with a cheeky grin and half closed eyes.

Tony stumbled forward and accidently slammed his elbow into the table, making a dent with his armor. He used his other hand to shake husks with an equally smug grin.

"Gotta admit, no one has pushed me that far before either. It was good to have a real challenge for once. But if you don't mind, I really gotta hit the can. That shit went straight through me." He said as he grabbed his helmet with a shaky hand. It slid over his head with the hiss of mechanisms. Before once again tightening back together into a tight and protective seal.

Husk stared into the to white eyes of the Ironman helmet before Tony brought the faceplate up. One of the superheroes' eyes were twitching and his whole body shuddered even beneath the armor. Signs that his body wasn't gonna be able to handle that much alcohol before him being in a very sorry state much longer.

"It's at the back with a large sign, one on the left. Can't miss it." Husk said lazily as he slinked behind the bar with his beer bottle still in hand. A quick swig and he turned back at tinman just in time to see him fall onto a particularly busty succubus.

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