Episode 4: Her Memories

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't mom and dad come?"

No one could say anything. It was a subject even my stupid younger brothers could not touch. It was an unspoken rule we had since we were young. But my younger sister was too young to know that. Even if I say it's because of work, she wouldn't understand.

The small living room went into a heavy and coldly silent atmosphere. Everyone's face became dark, contrary to our innocent younger sister. As I was about to say something, my younger brother who dyed his hair blonde stood up and yelled.

"It's obviously because they don't care about us. They forgot about us!"

He said that and kicked a chair.

"They're always not home, so they don't care about us!"

I knew my brother punched the wall when I heard a piercing sound in my ear. He put so much strength that his hand bled.


"Sister too, right!?"

I flinched a little after getting a sharp gaze. There was a thin layer of water forming from my brother's glaring eyes.

"How can you laugh? How can you take care of someone like me? You stopped doing Kendo that you loved because of us, right? You could have abandoned us like mother and father."

(Note: Kendo is a modern Japanese martial art, descended from kenjutsu, that uses bamboo swords as well as protective armor. [Source: google])

Tears finally started to overflow from my younger brother, who yelled it.

I don't recognize this. I don't recognize this side of my brother.

"Even I want to abandon all of you and leave this house. I don't need parents who won't come home......But, none of you abandoned me, so ━━"

I couldn't make excuses to my brother who said that and broke down crying as his tears fell on the floor. What he said was right. Like you, all of us want to live how we want to and be young. I want to do Kendo as much as I want. I had even resented my parents while asking why it had to be me. I had no one to depend on that I felt a sense of isolation.

But still, abandoning them was never an option for me.


There's no way I can abandon you.

"You really are...so stupid."

I affectionately hugged my solely weeping brother, who didn't rebut. My younger brother accepted it and remained the same. Making a sound of sniffing back his runny nose.

After seeing us, our crying younger sister beckoned and hugged us. Even my cocky younger brother who only now acted obediently came to us. I was biting my lip, trying so hard not to cry, but my tears and runny nose already messed me up.

I also started crying when I felt my siblings' warmth.

"Why is older sister crying too?...."

My brother who had stopped crying glared at me. His eyes had become red so it was not very threatening.

"You're telling me to do what I want and abandon you. There's no way I could do that, you know?"

I tried to talk cheerfully but my voice ended up tearful. How shameful.

"That's because we're siblings. My only brothers and sisters in this world."

When I said that, my brother's face became distorted like he was about to cry again.

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