Depuis le début

He hoped meeting Red would allow him to start over and become important, become strong. And it certainly was a change. Red wasn't a good man, Dabi was smart enough to realize that. He was learning how to shoot a gun at the age of thirteen. He's never touched, held, or even seen one in his life until about a month ago. He doesn't know why Red is teaching him these things, but each time he asks, he gets the same response, "it's for your own good".

And at night, Dabi could sometimes hear the pained screams of grown men, whether they're pleading for their life or screaming in pain. And he knows it's Red causing those excruciating cries. All he knows is that when someone goes down into the basement, they never come out. Dabi knows what happens. Arguments about money, drugs, and lies turn into life-threatening violence. But he stands there, he stands there and endures it because it's better than nothing.

Dabi walked through the luxurious halls, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the glass glistening in the light each time he looked up. They both reached the double doors, Red opening one of them, allowing Dabi to step inside first. Dabi furrowed his brows, his eyes landing a boy with beautiful red wings. The feathers looked so thick yet delicate, the spread of the wings so fierce and threatening. But, the boy who adorned them looked afraid, cowering behind the man who was standing taller than him.

The boy blinked at Dabi, noticing that there was someone around his age present in the room. "Dabi, meet Hawks. Hawks, meet Dabi." Red watched the two, Dabi slowly walking over to the boy who was only a bit shorter than him. "Hi." Dabi spoke, his face expressionless. Hawks stayed silent, too afraid to speak. His eyes were only able to look at Red and Dabi, unsure of what to do. "I found him in an abandoned apartment just out of town. He was living with nothing except a thin mattress and wilted blanket." Red reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a cigar.

Abandoned apartment? Why would Red randomly go to an abandoned place? But Dabi quickly realized it was for Red's "business" he supposedly had going on. Looks like the apartment wasn't abandoned after all. "You two should start talking," Red grunted as he stretched, pulling the cigar from his mouth. "I'll be taking care of things downstairs." Red motioned for the other man in the room to follow him. Dabi looked over his shoulder, watching the two men walk out, the office doors shutting behind him.

Dabi looked back over at the boy, his demeanor more relaxed than when he first entered the room. "What's your quirk? Does it have to do with those?" Dabi pointed at the wings, reaching out to touch one of them. Hawks swatted Dabi's hand away out of fright, moving away from him. "Okay, then. What's your name? Your real name? I'm Touya, but Red told me that my new name is Dabi.." Dabi snickered, a smile stretching across his face.

Hawks lightly laughed along with him, giggling at the boys' laugh. "Keigo." He spoke weakly, walking closer towards Dabi. "Cool name." Dabi smiled. "What's your quirk?" Hawks questioned, tilting his head to the side. "My quirk?! Oh well, I could create blue flames! They're really cool, but it also hurts me." Dabi shrugged. "Hurts you?" Hawks asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah, they burn me," Dabi carefully grabbed one of the bandages around his wrist, unraveling it. "See?" He looked at Hawks.

Hawks let out a small gasp noticing the marks running up his forearm. They did indeed look painful. "Can you show me?" Hawks looked at Dabi with curiosity. "My flames?" Dabi furrowed his brows. Hawks nodded enthusiastically, a smile on his face. "Oh, um, I guess I could show you a little bit." He backed up away from Hawks, holding his hand out in front of him before the flame erupted from his hand, the blue light sparking. "Wow!" Hawks smiled, walking closer towards it. He leaned in slightly closer, not noticing his wing slightly dipped towards the flame.

Dabi smiled, watching Hawks admire the quirk he had. Hawks leaned in closer before his wing came in contact with the flame, he yelled in pain, falling onto the floor. Dabi quickly deactivated his quirk, worry spreading across his face as he noticed the small burn mark on the boy's wing. "I'm sorry!" He quickly apologized, running over to Hawks aid. Hawks clenched his eyes shut, the stinging pain lingering as hissed in pain. "Would cold water help?" Dabi asked.

𝐉𝐔𝐌𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓 ᝰ 𝑫𝑨𝑩𝑰Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant