Start from the beginning

"What the fuck happened?!" Hawks kneeled down to Dabi, his eyes scanning his entire body as he saw the bloodstains. Dabi couldn't speak, he just groaned in pain, clenching his shut. "I don't know. He just came in here and passed out. He's bleeding out!" You panicked, your voice shaking immensely. Hawks looked at you and then at Shigaraki, giving him a nod. "If you'll excuse us." Hawks hooked his arms under Dabi, using some of his feathers to help ease the weight off of him. "Where are you taking him? He needs a hospital! You can't just carry him out of here!" You yelled, looking at them with wide eyes.

Shigaraki reached for Dabi's gun on the floor. Silently grabbing it as you stared at him. He didn't even glance at you, placing the gun on his waist. He caught up with Hawks, opening the door for him to help him with Dabi.

They did nothing but ignore you, not a sound leaving their mouths as you watched them walk out of the restaurant with Dabi in their grasp. Dabi yelled in pain, the bloody cloth dropping from his weak hand and onto the floor as the door shut behind the winged man. You stood there in shock, your breath staggered as the car violently pulled away, the engine loud and then quiet as it faded. You swallowed thickly, your lips cracked, your mouth dry as you stood there.

You lifted your hands, blood under your nails, and soaked into your skin. Shattered glass on the floor and the heavy red cloth along with it. Your hands were shaking, your mind trying to piece together what just happened. You clenched your hands into a fist, trying to stop them from shaking as you reached for the bloody rag. Your brain tried to piece itself back together as you slowly backed away from the door. The silence was your enemy as voices howled in your head.

Anxiety. Fear. Blood. Confusion. Tears. Questions.


The clock ticked in your silent room. The moonlight peaked its way in through the ajar curtains, the wind howling through the night. The streets were quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Your eyes were glued onto the ceiling of your room, wide open. You couldn't sleep. How could you? You sighed, reaching for your phone on the nightstand. The bright screen shined on your face, the time reading four in the morning.

Dabi was the only thing that plagued your mind on this lonely night. Images of the horrific scene flashed in front of you, almost like you were reliving the moment all over again. A part of you wanted to call the mechanic shop he worked at, wanting to know if was okay, if he was even alive. You're surprised he lasted so long driving to the restaurant. It was almost a miracle.

But, whatever he got himself into, whatever happened to him, it was beyond you. He was a mechanic. He owned a shop, fixed cars, and got paid for doing so. But the gun, the suit, and the blood told you a different story. You were only going by what you knew. Why would a mechanic get himself into so much trouble? How would a mechanic get himself into so much trouble? Maybe he isn't who he claims to be? Or maybe he was somewhere at the wrong time?

You tossed in your bed, now laying on your side as you continued to question the events over and over again. Not knowing the answers was going to eat away at you. You needed closure, an explanation. Even if it's a lie, as long as it makes sense, you'll be satisfied. Grabbing the plump comforter and pulling it over your shoulder, you closed your eyes for a final time, trying to get some sleep.


"I need to tie it off!" Hawks yelled at Shigaraki, panic lined his words as he threw down a pair of scissors onto the table. Tools that once lay on the table were now scattered on the floor below, Dabi's limp and weak body replacing them. He groaned in pain, jolting at every small tug on the stitched wound. "Fuck!" He hissed, barely able to keep his eyes open.

Hawks hands were soaked with blood. No matter how much he tried to wipe it away and clean it, it kept coming out. He had no choice but to stitch it anyway, even if the blood got in his way. Once Hawks was able to tie a few stitches, the blood seemed to stop, hopefully. Hawks tied off the last stitching, carefully looping it twice and pulling it tight before cutting the access off. "It's done." He breathed.

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