Chapter 6

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I stood there frozen as he disappeared into the forest, my whole body was tingling from his command, I had no choice but to be his date. I walked back on shaky legs, trying to convince myself that everything will be fine, but it really wasn't.

When I got back, Thyllian jumped down and studied my shaking form. He went to touch me but I took a big step back, practically jumping away from him. I pointed a finger at him.

"Thyllian, for your safety, please stay away from me."

He looked at me with pity and concern before slowly nodding his head.

"Could you possibly tell me why?" He asked hopefully, I shook my head and looked down at my shaking hands, he sighed and left without saying another word. For some reason, and I still don't know why, I turned my head enough so I could see behind me, Crucian was leaning against a tree with a blank expression.

I gasped and ran to Thyllian, accidentally bumping into him and tripping over my own feet, he caught me and looked over me with a panicked expression. I pointed to where Crucian stood but he had disappeared. I sheepishly thanked him and balanced myself, taking one last look at the forest, he really had disappeared.

The rest of the day, I partially distanced myself from everyone, Gale and Giloh sat with me in class but when they noticed I wasn't really paying attention, they talked amongst themselves, I was glad that they hadn't just walked off and left me there to panic about something that most girls would be thrilled about. I managed to pay attention to the lesson, only enough that I understood the topic. We were talking about the rituals of the ceremony.

He paused to give us a break so Gale and Giloh left to talk with their dates after confirming it was ok with me, I could probably use the alone time. Conversations started popping up around me, one of them only confirmed that what Crucian had said was true.

"Have you guys heard? The King and Queen are attending the ceremony, they are bringing their eldest son, Prince Crucian."

I dug my claws into the grass next to me, forcing myself to calm down. I was really going to dance with a Prince. I looked up to see that Thyllian had turned paler, even more paler than a Bishka should be. He looked at me with concern and fear, he must've heard their conversation.

I was about to get up and say something but the professor returned, she was looking quite pleased, I didn't have to guess what it was about.

"Everyone is dismissed, on the occasion that Prince Crucian has allowed us an early mark, he also asks that everyone stays clear from the edge of the forest, he is mapping out the area and requires minimal distraction."

I pushed up off the grass and seconds later, Thyllian marched over and grabbed my arm.

"Did Prince Crucian ask you to the dance?" He rushed, I looked into his silver eyes, I couldn't do this anymore. I collapsed into his arms, everything was spinning, I heard gasps and whispers as Thyllian picked me up, I managed a few last words.

"He cursed me for it, I have to go to the dance with him."

Crucian's Pov

I stood at the treeline, watching as the feral boy carried her in an unfamiliar direction, could he possibly know the location of her new house? I followed anyway but was stopped by one of my guards.

"Your majesty, that is the direction of most of the residents, if they catch sight of you, they could cause harm to you and our current objective."

I waved him off, catching a glimpse of the boy as he disappeared down a path.

"Deal with it, I'll be fine, just keep mapping on our main path, I'll be back."

I pushed past him and found a clear path through the forest that would limit the risk of me being seen, when I saw him, I quickened my pace. He walked inside a large house, typical for the bad boy to live like a snob. I inched closer until I was standing behind his house, a clear view of what looked to be his bedroom through a large window. After checking that there was no one around or close enough to see me, I walked silently to the tree just beside his window. I didn't even have time to look before his bedroom door opened, he walked in with Bramble and placed her on the bed. She looked a lot less pale than when she had fainted and her state of consciousness had improved.

"Bramble, do you know where your father would be at this moment in time, I don't know the location of your new house and neither do you, is there any possibility that he is at your old one doing... I don't know, packing?"

She shrugged and fiddled with her fingers, I hoped I was out of sight, I held my breath when she looked right at me, she squinted, seeming to notice something off, she shook her head and returned her attention to the boy.

"What? Don't tell me he's out there or something?" The boy questioned, Bramble shook her head and waved it off.

"No, my mind is probably just playing tricks on me since I passed out. I think it's worth a shot to send a letter to my father, they hadn't moved anything when I left for the lectures."

The boy nodded and walked over to a desk near the door, he picked up some paper and started melting some wax for a seal. I watched her very move, she kept glancing at me, getting unsure whether or not her mind was playing tricks on her. She turned back to the boy as he held up a letter with her old address on it.

"I'll get a Fedgeling to send this to your address, just wait here."

Perfect, he was leaving her alone, she went to say something but he had already closed the door, I moved forward, she noticed the sudden movement, she was now looking right into my eyes. She rubbed her eyes and started mumbling.

"Please let this be a trick of my mind, I'm going to open my eyes and you will be gone."

She took her hands away from her eyes and looked back at me, her face morphed into fear, I smiled and gave her a wink.

"Oh no, I'm very real, and so is my disappointment, you've told the boy haven't you?"

She looked at the door so I jumped through the window, now standing right in front of her, she raised her hands but I spoke first.

"I command your powers useless for the time that I am talking to you."

No vines appeared and she shuffled back in fear. I folded my hands behind my back and grinned at her.

"Don't be scared of me, I won't do anything."

She threw a book at me and scoffed.

"You tried to kill me, well Prince Shilk did, but you gave him my address, I thought you were nice."

"I am nice."

She kept looking back at the door, probably waiting for that boy to come back.

"Your Knight in shining armour isn't going to save you, why don't you focus on your Prince, I just want to talk."

"I don't want to talk, Thyllian will come in here and-"

"Thyllian won't touch me, I can make his powers useless too."

I started walking towards her so she moved further back onto the bed until she hit the wall. I stopped when I reached the edge of the bed. I held out my hand and cocked my head to the side.

"What am I going to do with my little owlette, just come here."

She sighed and grabbed my hand, I pulled her off the bed and she gasped, I pushed her flush against me, my whole body tingling with delight.

"I have something wonderful prepared for you, a beautiful dress designed to fit you perfectly, send me a letter when you find out where your new home is, I'll send it to you."

She looked so small in my arms.

"No, I don't want Prince Shilk to shove another plum slice down my throat, it would've killed me if Thyllian hadn't helped me."

What? That meant that she had lost her... My brother is a fucking idiot.

"I promise that will never happen again, you know I can't lie."

She sighed and swore that she would give me the address, I smiled and gave her a kiss, she was surprised but gave into it. The perks of being the creature that I am. Just then the boy came in, he stopped mid-sentence and dropped the apple loaf.

"Oh my fucking-"

I gave her another little peck on the forehead and dashed out the window, throwing him a warning she couldn't hear. My little owlette belongs only to me. 

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