Explaining Some of the Plot

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Claude and Diana when they were 10 they were arranged to marriage so kinda like a Forced Marriage yk?? Claude heard Diana had a brother so Claude found Ayris and made friends w him!  Until 1 day Ayris had to move out from Obelia Empire they haven't talked since then Claude tried sending Ayris letters but his Father blocked all the letters so Claude couldn't talk w him Claude's father wanted him to focus on Diana and only Diana no distractions Ayris tried sending letter too but Claude's father burnt them. When Claude and Diana were now 18 their relationship began to become complicated Claude didn't love Diana anymore neither did Diana she found another guy. (Also they haven't married yet bcz there still 18 💀💀💀) so they decided to break up without Claude's father knowing Claude decided to meet Ayris by inviting Ayris to Claude's Father wasn't informed until the day Ayris showed up (Claude's father kind of got  used to Claude not writing letters anymore so he let down his guard ) when Ayris showed up Claude's Father ordered the servant who makes tea put a Sleeping pill that can set someone asleep for atleast 10 years put it in Aydis's  cup of tea <33 After the tea Ayris went to Claude's room to see what happend when he opened the door to Claude's room he fell to the floor Claude was shocked so he picked Ayris up and put him on his bed Claude thought Ayris was just tired after a day he noticed it wasn't normal anymore he saw a Purple tint on the back of Ayris's hand he read something abt it in a book before he remembered the most strongest sleeping pill in the whole Empire and the only people who could get a hold of it was his father. Claude found out it also sets the person who'd been affected asleep for atleast 10 years. Claude loved Ayris (so he killed his Father and brother to get the throne bla bla bla bro turned emo when Ayris hasn't woke up for 2 yrs and 10 yrs) 💀💀💀 ok I think that's all yall.

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