Chapter 16

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Thinking like this, Tao Qiongxiu fell asleep unconsciously.

    A few days later, the weather was fine.

    Zhou Shi was in a good mood today, he got up early and packed up the carriage and went out. It is said that she went to the Huguo Temple outside the city to offer incense. Of course, Tao Qiongxiu was not waiting for her. She was still too young.

    Tao Qiongxiu wanted to go out for a walk, but she was a small person, so of course no one listened to her opinions.

    This is out. For most of the day, when the sun turned to the west, Zhou shi just came back with a happy face.

    Tao Qiongxiu was lying on her beautiful mother's lap, and she had a keen sense that today's matter was not easy. When her mother went out this time, I was afraid that it was not just for incense. She was curious, but not easy to ask, so she had to hold back, almost suffocating her.

    Of course, this question, after a few days, she got the answer.

    April 16, the auspicious day. The Zhou family solemnly invited the official media to go to the house of Wang Yanzhou, the minister of households, to ask to marry his eldest granddaughter.

    Wang Yanzhou, the word from the cloud. Born in the direct line of the Wang family in Shandong, he is the current head of the Wang family. The Wang family has been passed down for more than a few hundred years, and it is a first-class family in the world. Marrying his family's granddaughter, although it is only a second-rank Shangshu, can be regarded as the right one.

    Obviously, the last time the Zhou family went to incense, it was just to have a chance encounter with the mistress of the Wang family, and let them breathe first. Look at the opinions of both sides.

    Now that the official media has been invited to the door so quickly, it is obvious that the Wang family also intends to marry.

    Since the two parties are interested, the marriage will naturally be settled quickly, and the three books and six rituals will begin. Although it didn't make much fanfare, all the families were aware of it and knew that this good son-in-law had nothing to do with them. In spite of the pity in my heart, there is nothing I can do. They only secretly hated, why did the Wang family take the lead.

    The marriage was decided, and Zhou shi also thought about it.

    On the other hand, Yu Shi was troubled in his heart. Her eldest son, Tao Xiuhong, is nineteen this year and has been crawling at the border for four years. For this spring banquet, she sent him a special letter asking him what kind of girl he likes. Who knew this elm knot, but she said that now she is dedicated to the country and has no intention of marrying a wife, so she doesn't have to worry about it. Shame her too.

    Mrs. Zhou also heard Mrs. Yu complaining a few words, but this marriage, it is better for the children to be willing. She could only talk for comfort, but there was nothing else she could do.

    In the blink of an eye, half of the eighth year of Kaiyuan had passed, and it was July.

    Tao Qiongxiu was delighted when she saw that her brother was engaged. Live happily all day long. After a few months, it has become more mellow. Only one point, she was very curious about what kind of personality the future sister-in-law would look like. It's a pity that she is too young to attend various banquets and has no way of seeing her. She only murmured a few words when she saw her male god.

    Who knows, Chen Jiaci gave her a surprise.

    He has always been concerned about this small group of people. Seeing Xiao Tuanzi curious to know, he has lived for all these years. For the first time, he used the manpower given to him by his father and mother, the prince's brother and others, and went to investigate secretly. Then take it to the small group and narrate it again.

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