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I am on the road now.
I am walking as fast as I can.
I break away from my sisters and mother.
I feel like I might get hit any moment, I look on the wrong side of the road, when I hear my mother scream my name.
Right now I have completed half the journey.
A motorcycle whizes past me and I am so traumatised I cannot even scream! I make a dash across the road and finally reach my destination.
'oh, I am okay!' I think aloud, surprisingly, a little dissapointed that I did not make it to the headlines of the newspaper, but that is good (i think?)
"what were you thinking when you crossed the road so quickly?" my mum demands after she catches up with her two horrified daughters,"and seriously, no one looks on the wrong side of the road, no matter how much they panic!".
I confess, she had a point there, but this was not panic, this was terror!
The kind of terror that numbs your thinking skills and forces you to rely on your (dumb) instincts (that humans clearly find of no use, my mum's scolding is a perfect example!).
"you could have died!" she said finally, like it was totally not obvious. She continued nagging me the rest of the way to a shop mum knew, and while she did so, I had to resist the strong urge to plug into my head phones.

Why did life have to suck? But now when I come to think of it, we are just as afraid to end this suckfish life as much as we do not appreciate it.

Maybe life is all we have.

maybe we hate more than we love.

Yet love is all we have.

That is why life is all we have.

Which is why we love life.

Or do we hate it?
(I am confused!)

This is the strange realisation I discover from two terrified sisters and a close-to-death situatuation that triggers the unnessasary lecture given by the cause of me.

(so...life sucks?)

Our plan for today was to shop for shoes, and I am planning to purchase something practical because we are definately not rich enough to afford the use-once-and-throw concept (and we are talking expensive wedding shoes here people!)

so far I have planned to buy yellow, low heeled and close toed shoes to match my golden and red dress, it is a practical choice because it can be used again for other occations.

Our first shop has a very fancy environment, (not taking into consideration the fact that it was so crowded that we had to squeeze our way through the shop!) with white shiney tiles, air conditioner and lots of people to serve everyone (still, not taking into consideration the fact that the white tiles were not that white, air conditioner was very little and because of the crowd, the people who served us were very snappy and forgot that we even existed every now and then!) so it was a very pleasent expirience(not!).

Despite the crowd I managed to get someone to serve me, get me all the low heeled yellow shoes that they had, in size 7 (just in case you are wondering, no, I am not a gigantic monster with digusting, large feet, I just happen to have undesirably long feet!).

I ended up choosing a pair that had the print of clouds on it.

When we got out of the shop, it came to our attention that shopping in india was not as easy or quick as it is back in singapore (fun fact: THINGS IN INDIA ARE NOT AS CHEAP AS IT IS PERCIEVED TO BE!!!), that is why all that we could buy in one day was a pair of shoes for me, my sisters and my mum before realising that we did not have the time for any more shopping.

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