02. The Weirdo On Maple Street

Start from the beginning

"Bite me!" Rapunzel snapped. She turned to Y/n. "Seriously though, think about it. That would explain his shaved hair and why he's so crazy."

"Why he went like-" Ruddiger pantomimed flipping his shirt again.

"He's an escapee is the point. He's probably a psycho."

"Like Michael Myers!"


Y/n rolled her eyes.

Rapunzel continued, "We should've never brought him here."

"So you just wanted to leave him out in the storm?" Y/n accused.

"Yes! We went out to find Catalina, not another problem."

"I think we should tell your mom," Ruddiger suggested.

"I second that," Rapunzel agreed.

"Who's crazy now?" Y/n growled.

"How is that crazy?" Rapunzel questioned.

"Cause we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?"


"So, if I tell my mom, and she tells you mom and your mom..."

"Oh, man!" Ruddiger cried.

"Our houses become Alcatraz!" Rapunzel realized.

"Exactly! We'll never find Cat," Y/n proved. "Here's the plan: he sleeps here tonight."

"You're letting a boy-"

"Just listen! In the morning, he sneaks around my house, goes to the front door, and rings the doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She'll send him back to Pennhurst, or wherever he came from, we'll totally be in the clear. And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Cat," Y/n explained.

Ruddiger and Rapunzel shared a quick glance at each other before agreeing to Y/n's plan. It seemed weird, but it was worth a shot.

Y/n was busy making the boy comfortable while Ruddiger and Rapunzel were leaving. She had set up a blanket fort for the boy and she made sure that he felt right at home.

"Hey, um, I never asked your name," Y/n said shyly. The boy showed Y/n the tattoo that read 09 on his wrist. "Is that real?"

Just as Y/n reached for the tattoo, the boy hid his arm behind his back.

"Sorry, I've just never seen a kid with a tattoo before. What's it mean? Nine?"

The boy gestured to himself.

"That's your name?"

The boy nodded. "I had other name before. Varian."

"Varian. Ok. Um, well, my name's Y/n. Maybe we can call you Var; short for Varian."

Varian nodded.

"Um, well, ok. Night, Var!"

Y/n stood up.

"Night, Y/n."

Y/n smiled shyly before closing the entrance to the fort and walking back upstairs. When she laid down in her bed, she could feel her face flush and she couldn't help but smile.

Time Skip

The next morning arrived quicker than Y/n had expected. For breakfast, she toasted some Eggos for herself and snatched a ham sandwich that was laying on the counter. She put it in her pocket. She stuffed the Eggos into her mouth, trying to finish up quickly. Adira looked at Y/n in disgust.

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