Chapter 1

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Shigaraki's POV:

"Crusty Lips AFO wants everyone to go to his office come on!" I heard Dabi's voice say. "I'm coming Burnt Nugget!" I yelled getting out of bed. I walked into AFO's office wondering what was going on. "There's a traitor among us and I happen to know who." AFO said staring me cold in the eye. "I wonder who it is." I thought to myself. Toga was whispering to Dabi and Twice was more confused then ever. "It's Tomura Shigaraki!" AFO blurted out suddenly. "What....?" I heard Toga say obviously very confused. "Leave!" AFO said sternly. I bolted out in tears. "How did this happen?" I thought as I ran into a wall.

Aizawa's POV:

I was patroling and I saw a villain passed out in a alleyway. It wasn't any old villain it was Tomura Shigaraki. "Huh?" I thought shaking the villain awake. He was wrapped up tightly in my scarf. "What?" I heard him mumble. "WHERE AM I?" The villain blurted out obviously trying to escape. "What're you doing here passed out?" I asked him. No answer. "I'll have to turn you into the police." I said to him. "Just do it." He said. I was shocked by his answer. "What?" I heard myself say.

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