Moving house

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Today I moved to my new home in LA alot of famous people live here, Ariana Grande, Mairah Carey used to live here I think?
Well I don't care really, all I care about is that I get a new chance not to be, "That emo" or "Fatty". I hope the new school will be as cool as my new house.

I walk into my new room with a great hope in my heart, "Maybe I'll meet and Avenger or something?".  My room is fully white with my cool Tom Holland posters EVERYWHERE! "Alex time for food we go a takeaway." Mum shouts from down the stairs. I place the box I was carrying on the my desk and run down the stairs.
My parents had already dished out all the food so it was ready for me to tuck into.

"Like your new room Alex?" Dad asked,
"Yea I love it thank you so much I think its the biggest room in the house! Way bigger than my last one anyway." I answered.
"Glad you like it we bought you all new furniture if you couldn't tell, you can re-paint the walls if you want to aswell!" Mom told me.

After food I went to bed '10:30' I thought to myself 'Jeez!!'. I went to bed setting my alarm for 6:30 ready for school the next morning, I hope that's early enough anyway. I get to sleep and get ready for the new day ahead.

*Alarm rings*

The alarm went off, I'm still really tired but I've got to get up. I go through my check list in my head. All I need to do know is shower and get ready. Today is going so smoothly already! I might even have time to say hello to the new neighbours. Well I'm the new neighbour but they are new to me. I think they have a daughter my age I hope we could be friends. Oh there's one new thing in my checklist, make atleast one new friend. I get up to find my clothes and have breakfast.

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