iii. an aeroplane

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Mr. Hammond was a short, somewhat portly white man with a white beard, white clothes, and white shoes. He clearly did not spend much time outdoors if that was the color he chose to wear in the middle of Australia. She hoped he had a fuck ton of sunscreen in that helicopter, because his poor cheeks were already starting to stain red. 

"Ah! Hello!" He called from the porch of Ronnie's bungalow. "Do you know where I can find Dr. Aaker?" He gave a big smile, and Ronnie wondered how this man had ever been taken seriously enough to make his ridiculous amount of money. She put on a smile.

"You've found her! Welcome to Harambe, Mr. Hammond," said Ronnie. 

"Ah! Wonderful. We have much to discuss." 

Ronnie dug the key from out of her pocket and opened the door to her home. In the bungalow, with air conditioner, Ronnie could finally feel the sweat that drenched every inch of her body. She passed the mirror in the front hall and grimaced. Yeesh. She really did look gross. What a great way to meet one of the men who funded her life's work. Even if he was currently keeping her from that work. She led him into the kitchen, the biggest room in the home, and swept a few papers off of the main counter. "I apologize for the mess, I don't get many visitors out here." 

"Oh, I'm sure, I'm sure. I do apologize for the intrusion, but I figured it would be best to go straight to the source!"

Ronnie wrapped her hair up into a bun. "Yes, Mr. Hammond. It is always lovely to make connections. But sir, may I ask why you're here?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" He bent over and opened Ronnie's fridge. "I have a proposition for you. I think you will find it very enjoyable." 

He pulled out an orange and inspected it before closing the fridge. "I have an island, off the coast of Costa Rica. Very nice, spared no expense. Very luxurious. It's a park of sorts. I have numerous animals there, and my investors, well... it's their impression that something will fall apart." He peeled the orange, and smiled, his eyes crinkling around the edges. "I despise lawyers. Do you know any?"

Ronnie shook her head. "No, can't say that I do."

"You're lucky then. I know far too many." He put the orange peel on the counter and bit into it. Without pulling it apart into pieces- who does that? Money does crazy things to people. 

"Anyway, my park- or, I suppose it's more of a biological preserve- they want experts. Proof. Disneyland was 30 years ago my dear, I'm afraid that the magic element simply doesn't do it anymore. I already have two qualified individuals, but my investors want at least three. Preferably a zoologist- and as far as I know, you're the top in your field," he said with a wink.

Ronnie shook her head. As amazing as some time away sounded, she was needed here, not on vacation."I'm sorry, Mr. Hammond, your park? Is it a park?" He nodded and smiled enthusiastically.  "We have a lot going on here, and I'm just not really sure how I can-"

"I'll pay you, of course. Three years worth."

Ronnie lifted her head to look at him. "What?" 

"Not as a bribe, no, that's not what I mean. I just want your opinion. And I have no doubt which way that opinion will sway." He giggled a bit. "But come, take a tour, see what we have- you'll love it I promise-" he smiled again. "And I'll be more than happy to fund this reserve. You needed a new wall put in?"

A new wall- yes, of course they needed a new wall. "I- I mean- yes, of course," Ronnie stammered. 

"Splendid! I can also pay to feed the animals, or whatever else it is you people need- I mean that, truly. Three years. Come for the weekend Dr. Aaker. You won't regret it. I guarantee it!"

Did he have any idea how much it would cost to feed all these animals even for a day? With that amount of money- they could finally pay for the kangaroo pasture. And the night vision goggles. Not to mention her theories on genetic regression, common ancestors- with the animals fed, Ronnie could finally work wholly on proving her theories on animal evolution and genetics. Hell, in human evolution!

She huffed out a little laugh. "I- okay. That sounds incredible, sir, when- when do we leave?"

Who cared that he dressed and ate his oranges like a lunatic. He was filthy rich, probably didn't know what he was getting in to, and Ronnie was finally going to make the changes she had always dreamed of making!

His face practically cracked open. "Ah, let's see..." he checked his watch. "In approximately 26 hours! I apologize for the short notice, but it is quite the trek to get down here. I have a helicopter set to meet you here at noon tomorrow! I would recommend packing light, it's very hot where we're going." 

"Yes, of course. Mr. Hammond." Ronnie said, shell-shocked. This was quite possibly the luckiest day of her life.

"Ah, anyone can be bought, Dr. Aaker. Remember that! It's all about finding the right price." He winked. "I'll be taking my leave now- but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!"

"Yes, sir, you will be seeing me tomorrow." She did a little two-fingered salute to acknowledge his leaving.

He nodded one last time and walked out of the kitchen and the bungalow, presumably to his helicopter or private jet or whatever. 

Ronnie leaned on the counter with a hand on her head. Millions of dollars. The Harambe Wildlife Reserve now had access to millions of dollars. Millions of dollars. Holy fucking shit. A weekend at a resort with that rich over-glorified man-child, and Ronnie would have made millions of dollars. This had to be some sort of fever-induced dream. She had finally smelled enough zebra shit fumes to go insane.

Ronnie heard the sound of a jeep pulling up to the door and shot up. Betty! Wait until the reserve knew! She ran to the door and whirled it open, just in time to see Betty getting out of her jeep. 

"Ronnie? What happe-"

"Betty, you're not gonna fucking believe this!"


hey so i know there's not a lot to go off of right now, but comments and votes are love. i'm gonna keep writing anyway bc i like it and i think you guys will like it but it is really nice motivation and stuff. no pressure, do what you want, love you all!


its the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine) // ian malcolmWhere stories live. Discover now