Best friends

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Emma's prov
I was heading to mighty med for work when I got a text
Kaz😜- hey emm what time are you coming to work?
Me- I'm on my way.
Kaz😜- see ya in a few.
Once I got into mighty med I checked in and on my lab coat. I headed to the nurses station and saw Kaz on his phone like always. I filled out some paper work and he looked up from his phone "hey emma." I smiled "hey Kaz."
"Are you going to the school dance Friday?" I gave him a duh look "yeah, I'm going with Luke." He rolls his eyes "I don't know what you see in that guy."
"Kaz why don't you like him?" He looks at me serious "Emma he's a totally jerk to you, he always leaves you hanging and he always flirts with other girls."
I looked down for second "he's a football player, that's what they do Kaz, and why do you care about the way he treats me." He stood up and came closer to me "because you're by best friend besides Oliver and I don't want my best friends getting hurt." I smiled "Kaz I can handle myself." Just then Horace comes in "Kaz can you stay till 7:00pm tonight?" Kaz whines a little "fine.." Horace looks at me "Emma and I want you to stay too to make sure Kaz doesn't do anything stupid." Kaz gave me a look. A few hours later me and Kaz were in the wreck room watching tv, and I got a text from Luke.
Luke😘- hey Emma I can't make it to our movie tomorrow night.
Me- Luke this is the third time you've cancelled on me..
Luke😘- well I have a life Emma.
Me- what's that suppose to mean..
Luke😘- I'm a football player, I have games to practice for, and tomorrow is my time with the guys. And you always hang with Kaz and Oliver, they're losers.
Me- whatever Luke and Kaz and Oliver are not losers they're my best friends.
He didn't reply back i threw my phone angry and got up and left the room so that Kaz didn't see me cry, I'm a tough girl I don't cry over guys but I'm tired of Luke telling that I'm lame and stuff. I go too the nurses station and laid my head down and let all the tears out till I heard Kaz "Emma, are you okay?" I looked up and wiped my eyes "yeah I just got something in my eye that's all." He sat down next to me "Emma I know when you're lying, you don't have to always act tough." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I looked up "am I not old enough for Luke like what's wrong with me?" He looks down and back up again "Emma-" just then my phone rang.

Kaz's prov
I've always liked Emma but she's dating a jerk who always ditches her for parties and other girls. I know she's a tough girl but I can tell when she's hurting and it hurts me knowing she thinks she can't show her true feelings.
That night me and Oliver were playing video games at my house in my room "Kaz are you going to the school dance?" I shrugged my shoulders "maybe I don't know." Oliver beats me in the video game "hey Oliver I need to tell you something." He looks at me confused "yeah?" I run my fingers through my hair " I think I'm in love with Emma." "what? Since when?" " I started liking her last year and my feelings grew for her ever since." "Why don't you tell her?" "No way! If I tell her I love her she'll be weirded out and out friendship ends for good And I don't want to lose that with her." He smiles at me "you really do love her don't you Kaz." "Yeah I really do."

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