Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Madeline Point of View

I hated that this was how I had to spend my evening.  My mother informed me that I would have to make an effort to show that I was up to par on taking over my father’s magazine “Cringe”.  As much as I love fashion I didn’t think that I would be able to offer fashion advice to our million’s of subscribers.   Well might as well get this night over with so a 1, 2, 3 count got out of the bed and headed to the shower.  ‘Might as well get my hair trimmed’, I thought, ‘since it has been awhile and it was getting a little out of control’.   I completed my shower and proceeded to brush my teeth when my mother called out was I ready.  ‘Wow is she serious’, dang I just got up to get ready for the day and she is already wishing that we were at the boutique getting our dresses for tonight instead of making our first stop at the spa getting our regular since this is the routine when we have to prepare for a party to help promote or fundraise something for the magazine.

After the long day of pampering it was time to get ready and I just wished that I had a little time to myself at least a couple of hours just to take a nap and relax in a hot bath but I only had an hour to get ready so might as well get to it. 


This has to be the worst feeling being stuck in the middle of a party the last place I ever wanted to be.  I was lonely and miserable and couldn’t wait for this night to be over with and it’s only been a couple of hours.  But being the only child and Daddy’s little girl I had to make an appearance even if I hated the attention I had to at least make some type of effort .I made conversations with some of our loyal clients and staff, but other than that I kept to myself but making sure to keep a glass of champagne in my hand at all times.  My father considered it rude if everyone wasn’t enjoying what was being offered so everyone was conversating and making sure to grab something that was being passed around and showing each other that they were really enjoying themselves to the fullest and many couldn’t wait to the next party.

“Madeline”, her father called her name. 

“Yes, Father”, she replied back. 

“I need for you to meet some important guest that will be here tonight, “her father said.  “It is very important that we make a wonderful impression because of the events that will happen later on down the road”.

“Well Father I do believe that I have been making a great impression wi-“, but before she could finish her reply there was a loud commotion from the top of the stairs, then silence.

Everyone eyes seemed to be drawn to the top of the stairs but mine, and as my father went to see what was going on I took that as my queue to leave even if I could get a little time to myself and since I had no intention of meeting more guests at the moment.  Hurrying from the room I made my way into the garden, this was my quiet place when the parties my parents threw got too much for me and I needed to have some form of quiet before I would be thrust back into the lion’s den and have to fake smile and endure more endless conversation.

After wandering around the garden I found my quiet spot. The air and the sounds helped to ease me into a blissful state and just relax.  I felt myself flashing back to a night I knew I couldn’t forget.  I still couldn’t believe it even if I knew it to be the truth.  Why me’, I thought.  I was just some woman that never had a date let alone a relationship and he tells me that I am ‘his forever’.  I couldn’t understand what that meant but he showed me and seeing it with my eyes my brain still was having a hard time understanding.  I know running made me look like a coward but what else to do I had to get a grip on my thoughts because I knew in that moment I wouldn’t be able to handle what was being said to me.  I knew that I couldn’t choose that life what about my parents, the magazine and me? ‘Me’ I thought, how puzzling could thinking about me do, when I didn’t have a life at all only what was chosen for me and I still didn’t have any control over it other than the type of underwear I chose to wear and even at times those where chosen for me. “Ugh, what should I do”, I exclaimed loudly.  I let them choose everything and nothing and I feel like what turned out to be a great life I really felt like I accomplished nothing on my own but everything in the name of family. Caught up in my thoughts again on him I wondered, ‘Is it too late, does he still want me and will he still take me even if I am this uncertain to what I would do next.”  I realized now thinking about all of these things I knew I needed a break.  Just as I came to a realization I felt like something was about to happen and little did I know that my cozy moment would be over before it even started? It grew really quiet and I felt eyes on me but couldn’t see anyone. Even though it was dark and all it could have been an owl or bird but it was eerie and made me want to seek comfort with others. So instead of quiet time I need to be surrounded by others because the silence was really getting to be uncomfortable as if everything was on pause and waiting for someone to flip a switch to resume the noise.  I spoke to soon and it’s as if someone read my mind and all the noise from the garden returned but with its presence there was also someone hiding in the shadows.  I took a step to see who it was and in that moment I saw a silhouette shaped like a man who had red eyes that appeared and then disappeared.  In that moment I closed my eyes and blinked and blinked again, maybe I was hallucinating because no one could have red eyes and could mysteriously disappear as if they were never there. I stood there a moment longer and as I decided to go back to the party I felt eyes on me again, looking back to where I saw the silhouette I saw that he was coming towards me.  Well no one can call me stupid, so turning on my heels I ran from the garden to the safety of the ballroom. 

As I Hurried in the room, my father spotted me and made a turn in my direction.  I stopped and looked behind me as to see if the silhouette of the person who was in the garden behind me. I stopped and turned around and couldn’t believe my eyes at what I saw.

Hi everyone apogizing that I haven't tried to upload something at least but I hope this meets with some approval.  As I write I edit as well and I am trying to make sure that what I write is on point and since I am a perfectionist I hate not proofreading my work even if I read it fifty times I am never satisfied but I strive to make it work.  Anyway Happy Valentines' Day to everyone and have fun.  I just got distracted and just wrote Happy Birthday but lucky I just caught myself.  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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