Chapter One

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Dear Andrin,

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I hope I haven't worried you too much. I was under a strict watch from my father, as he thought I was eavesdropping on him about a week ago. In that case, I was actually just walking by, and happened to look at the door, wondering if my father was alone. I don't recall why, but I did. next thing I knew, my father blew up in my face. It was tiring really, him and his outbursts. I've gotten used to them, sad to say. I'm glad I know not all men are like him, as you and Miralin have kept forcing down my throat.I'm thankful to my body guards for teaching me self defense. Lately they've started to teach me to fight. They say I'm a quick learner, so I should be able to fight properly by my sixteenth birthday. I know you probably think a Princess shouldn't know how to fight, but it's an asset truly. Not only can I defend myself, no one expects it.I must ask Miralin again about mates. They are such awkward conversations, but I am so intrigued. She hasn't told me much, even though I try to pry. *sigh* I must get going, it's time for my secret training.

Sincerely, Kyra

As I finished my letter, I let a small smile form on my face. I quickly rolled up the letter, before putting it in the tube on my messenger dove's back. I kissed her head softly, before walking her to my open window. "You know what to do, Blossom. Fly safe." As I stuck my hand out the window, she took off into the night air.

I turned around, entering my walk in closet. As I got dressed in training gear, I smiled widely. I loved my midnight escapades. I put a summer dress on to cover my gear, before heading to the private living room. I didn't need to exit through the secret tunnel, but it brought back my happiest memory.

I smiled as I remembered Andrin's face as he looked at all my toys. They were all still there, just abandoned. I followed the passage out of the empty room, making my way giddily to the gardens. As I exited the passage, Jack, my guard and friend, was there to meet me. I nodded at him, taking my dress off and leaving it in the tunnel. I was now in black, and hard to distinguish from the boys.

As we headed into the woods, I became more relaxed. "Can we run, please?" I couldn't stop myself, the woods were exhilarating.

"Fine, but don't shred your clothes. Shift over there." He demanded, pointing at a large rock.

"Oh I see, make the girl leave." I scoffed, walking over to the rock. I threw my hands in the air before giggling. I quickly undressed while hidden, before welcoming my shift. I had been shifting for nearly two years, so I barely felt it. I still remembered my first shift. I shivered lightly, shaking out my fur as I tried to forget the pain. I remember screaming, and feeling like it took hours. My father wasn't there for me. Nor was my mother, since my father killed her. I was thankful to Miralin though, and she assured me the whole hour that it would get easier, less painful. Even though it didn't help that day, I'm glad she told me, otherwise I would've been too afraid to ever shift again. Now though, my wolf is my preferred form.

I kept in a howl, for fear of alerting my father. He hated me in my wolf form, I looked too much like his true mate. I never found out who I got my colours from, as my dad's wolf was brown and beige, my mother's was black. My coat however, was a beautiful white, with soft grey patches. I admired my coat for a second, before scrambling back to Jack as he growled at me. I picked up my clothes in my mouth, before I took off running.

I slowed down as I smelt the other wolves I'd be training with. As I stopped before the clearing to change, Jack looked at me and nodded, before continuing on. As I shifted back to human, I got dressed quickly, before walking into the clearing smiling. "You won't be smiling much longer, little Kyra." I heard from behind me, I thought it might've been Lissa, but I didn't stop to think about it. I decided to play with her, and kept smiling. I closed my eyes and felt the ground vibrating slightly. As the vibrations came in quicker succession, I did a quick backflip out of her line of fire. I opened my eyes as I landed, and saw her standing there astounded. I did a quick roundhouse kick, hitting her square in the back.

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