Chapter 4

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A horn sounded over the mountain, alerting the demon slayers. "They said that the horn would be played once it's over, come on we have an hour to get back" The two demon slayers helping Tanjiro off the ground, "Oi, Oi. Why's it over? It hasn't been seven days," Y/N said bursting out of bushes making the two slayers scream. Tanjiro glanced at the two before replying, "You probably killed them all, that's maybe the reason it's over so soon." Y/N huffed, "Well we should head back, I'll give you a lift, Tanjiro. You two, help him onto my back." Once Tanjiro was settled, Y/N disappeared leaving a trail of dust, "Hey Tanjiro," "Yeah?" "demons normally get hurt by Wisteria, don't they?" "Yes, they do, why?" "All this wisteria makes me itchy and I'm pretty sure I'm human." "You don't smell like a demon, you might just be allergic," "Okay, anyway, we're here, can you stand Tanjiro?" Y/N slid to a stop, cracking the ground slightly as she stopped, "You're here already? We only just sounded the horn," The twins asked sweat-dropping at the cracks in the ground. "Hey, should I go collect everyone, I really don't want to have to wait for an hour." Y/N asked the others around her, making a demon slayer speak up behind them, "No need, we're all almost at the top of the stairs." "Now that you all are here, welcome to the demon slayer corps, you each will be given a crow," The twins motioned, a flock of crows flying over to the new demon slayers with a couple of different birds, like a sparrow which went to a yellow haired boy, an eagle which went to a tall, scarred boy who immediately waved it off, angerly muttering, two princess parrots, flew towards Y/N landing on each of her shoulders, Y/N reached up and scratched both of their heads, making them both hum. "I don't care about some stupid bird, give me a colour changing nichirn sword," the scarred boy, grabbed one of the twin's shirts, "Oi, Oi, let her go," Y/N strode up, with Tanjiro walking along side Y/N. "Or what, stay out of my way, girl." Y/N's eyes flashed red, and snarled at the boy, "Let her go, or I will have to use force," the boy, stepped back flinching, "Are you a demon?" Bringing his sword out of his sheath, Y/N laughed, "No I am not, just blessed by a goddess not well known," The demon slayers around her drew their swords, making Y/N laugh, "We are demon slayers now, we cannot fight each other, so sheath your blades," The twins affirmed Y/N's words. "Now if you could continue with the process, that would be great, thank you." "You will now pick your sun blessed ore, and your blade will be delivered to you in ten to fifteen days," The twins continued, Y/N glared at the scarred boy as he opened his mouth, making him close it again. As Y/N walked up to the table, she noticed that one ore was slightly stained with red making it seem as if someone had been clubbed to death with it. "I'll take this one," Y/N picked up the stained ore, making the twins glance at the ore, not noticing the difference to the rest of the ore. The rest of the demon slayers picked their ores, and the twins, took the ores back and let the slayers leave. "Hello, can I ask a question?" Y/N asked, "Of course, go ahead," the twins replied, "Can I please talk to a swordsmith I have an idea for a blade I have never been able to make by myself," The twins were taken aback, "We will see what we can do, and we will talk to our father. Your parrots will let you know where to go if you are approved." "Thank you," Y/N said bowing towards the twins before turning towards Tanjiro saying, "Let's go back to Urokodaki sensei, Tanjiro." "Sure, I hope you didn't get hurt when that boy grabbed you," He said towards the twins, before they both turn away and started down the mountain heading towards their sensei's home. "She is unique isn't she, sister?" "She is, indeed, we should head back to father now" "Yes we should and ask him about her request."

Time skip to when Tanjiro and Y/N arrive back to Urokodaki's home

"We're back sensei!" Y/N yelled, waking Urokodaki, "Your both back early, what happened?" Y/N replied to the old man, "I killed them all sensei, the demons on that mountain are dead, my blood is an inescapable lure." "Tanjiro does she say the truth?" "She does Sensei, she also found that demon she was looking for." "What happened Y/N?" "I brought revenge to him. Simple as that," "Hmm!" Nezuko ran up, tackling Tanjiro in a hug, then turning towards Y/N before patting her on the head. "Hello again Nezuko," 'Y/N you need to rest now, you used to much energy and another force acted on you, empowering your breathing style' "Oh, that's not good" Y/N said as her eyes rolled back, and she fell to the ground getting caught by Nezuko.

In Y/N's mind

"Hello Ren? What did you mean by another force acted on me?" "Hello Y/N, I am not sure, I don't know the power of this being." "That would be me," "Who are you?" "I'm not too sure myself, only a few are able to actually see me. Can you see me?" A handsome man with red eyes stepped into the light, earning a gasp from Ren. "Brother?" "Wait what? You two are siblings?" "I didn't think I'd see you again sister." "Neither did I, why are you here in Y/N's mind?" "Isn't it obvious, he's the mysterious power you mentioned," "Ding ding ding, this one is smart, I'm guessing because she can see me and called you by your real name not the one you give out to people that can't see your true form." "She is chosen," "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Onai Sylver," "Well welcome to my mind Onai, what did you do earlier, my power felt stronger." "I gave you my blessing, it makes a breathing style more powerful, but for some reason it transferred to your physical body as well, making your eyes glow red and you gain a more animalistic nature, which is why you snarled at that boy." "You should head back Y/N, your about to wake up, remember to come chat next time your asleep." "I will Ren, see you both later"

Back in the normal world

Y/N groaned as she woke up, with Nezuko, Tanjiro lying next to her and Urokodaki sitting on a chair nearby. "Y/N!" They all said at once, well Nezuko hummed but close enough. "Well, I really should stop passing out, by the way, who caught me?" Tanjiro smiled, "Nezuko did, she was the closest to you and probably the fastest out of us." Y/N turned towards the humming Nezuko, "Thank you Nezuko. Now where are my parrots?" "They've been annoying me ever since you fell asleep" Urokodaki grumbled, the parrots squawking together, "Your request has been approved, the twins will lead you to the swordsmith village to speak with a master swordsmith." "Thank goodness, I thought I would just get a normal katana for a second there." Y/N sighed and then headed outside to meet the twins. Urokodaki raised an eyebrow, "What request did she make Tanjiro?" "She asked to meet a swordsmith to discuss whether or not she could help make a blade that she wasn't able to make by herself." Urokodaki's eyes widened, "even I haven't seen the swordsmith village, she must have done very well in the final selection for a request like that to be approved."


"Hello, you two," Y/N called out. The twins turned towards her, "Come on let's get to the village, we have a swordsmith to meet." Y/N's eyes sparkled, "Then let's go! Which way is it?" "It's a secret, we can't have anyone overhearing," "Oh you mean like the demon that's hiding behind the tree over there." Y/N replied grinning, "Killer breathing first form: Bell Wraith," two bells sounded, and Y/N disappeared, her laugh fading as well. "Well since she's gone, I'll kill you two first, then report to master." The demon laughed, "Behind you," Y/N reappeared behind the demon, slashing at his neck, decapitating him instantly. "He was weak, let's get started to the village then."

To be continued

The Entity's demon slayer KNYxDBD!F!reader (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें