Chapter 13 - Caught

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When you made it back to Tommy's you were absolutely exhausted. You pulled off your shoes when you walked in and made your way towards the stairs. Just before your foot touched the first step a lamp flashed on in the living area and there sat Wilbur in the chair. A frown was plastered across his face.

"Damn it," you mentally cursed myself at my careless mistake.

"Where have you been?" he asks. "We were worried about you. Especially, Tommy. He thought he did something wrong. So, do you care to explain why you were gone for an entire hour and a half?"

"I went to the shops," you say quickly.

"How'd it go?" he asks.

"Oh, you know, the usual," you smile innocently.

"Y/N, where's your shopping bag?" he asks.

"Oh, I gave it to someone," I say.


"They needed it more than I did,"

"So, what exactly did you buy there?"

" know...some small snacks,"



"What kind?"

"Double Stuffed,"

"How much did you pay?"

"About 5 pounds,"

"You're lying," he says.

"What?" you ask, pretending to be offended.

"You're. Lying." Wilbur says slowly.

"No, I just...went out," you say.

"Where did you go, really?" he says.

"To a friend's," you say.

"I thought you went to the shops,"

"Fuck," you mentally curse yourself again. How was he so damn good at this. "I did I just..."

"Save it, Y/N," he states. "Save it for the boy upstairs to whom you are lying to."

"Wilbur, I-,"

"I don't want to hear it," he says. "I just want to know who and why?"

"Wilbur, it's not what you think,"

"Is it George?" He asks. You could tell he was getting angrier by the second. "I swear to god, if it was him, I will personally end things between you and Tommy. Tommy doesn't deserve that. Especially not from the girl he is madly in love with."

"Wilbur, I promise, it's not what it seems," you say.

"So, it was him?" he concludes.

"Yes, but-,"

"Y/N, I think you should leave," he says.

"Wilbur, please-,"

"Y/N, please don't make this any harder than it has to be," he says. "I really thought you were the perfect girl for Tommy, but you are lying to him. Did you ever really love him at all, or was it all just a trick, better yet, a scheme to show how helpless he really was. If so, congratulations, but now the party's over. So leave."

Tears start to stream down your eyes as you grab your shoes and place them on your feet once more. You take your last glance at the comfortable place and walked out of the door. As you entered your flat, you began to sob. You crawled in bed and cried yourself to sleep that night.

{Created: May 17, 2022}

[Published: May 18, 2022]

Word count: 441 words

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