The walk to school was full of fear, I looked around constantly to make sure Prince Shilk wasn't close and I've never been more grateful to have a silver blade hanging from my hip, every time I heard a rustle, I panicked, it got to the point where I decided to just hold my sword the whole way to school, at least then he couldn't really surprise me without getting one slash across his stupid, perfect face. It made me feel dizzy that I was finally afraid of something, that plum slice was horrible and it nearly killed me, I swear, I am going to make it my mission to kill at least one of the Highlanders before my time being alive is up, luckily, we live for hundreds of years and I'm only 17.

Once I got to school, I put the sword back in its holster. If Prince Shilk attacked me here, at least someone would see and I could call for help. As I got closer to everyone, I noticed Thyllian giving me small glances, at least something was working out, we were no longer in a ridiculous rivalry and I could live my life safely around him, but now I didn't have a date to the dance, oh well.

I saw Giloh and Gale walking up to me with bright smiles on their faces, they could give me some happiness today.

"You are not going to believe what happened to the two of us Bramble!" Gale exclaimed whilst hooking an arm around Giloh, I was glad to see them getting along.

"We both have dates to the ceremony, Giloh is going with Lucide and I'm going with Krais, two of the hottest Bishka, Giloh snagged herself a Bishka! I told you you were a cutie Giloh!"

I smiled, an honest smile, I was glad they have dates to the dance, Gale has had a crush on Krais for as long as I've been friends with her and Giloh seems like a perfect match for Lucide, only, they were Thyllian's friends but hey! I'm not really on his bad side anymore.

"That's incredible Gale, Giloh, I'm so happy for you, look at you! You've only been here a day and you've gained a good looking Bishka. And I know you've had a pretty big crush on Krais for a while, Gale."

They both giggled excitedly and it was contagious, they pulled me towards Thyllian and his friends, they were sitting high in the trees so Gale helped Giloh up. I sat on one of the higher branches, I didn't really want to start a conversation, wayyy too many things on my mind and I'm scared I'll accidentally let a secret out.

To my slight annoyance, Thyllian came and sat next to me. He handed me a small box and inside was a small pouch. He had given me sight dust.

"I wanted to give it to you before school but I saw a sign outside your house saying that you moved. I'm glad you came up with a solution to your Prince Shilk situation. I wanted to give you this so even if he finds your address again, you can see where he is and what his next plan will be. I'll send you more but I need to know your address."

I didn't completely trust Thyllian enough to give him my address but I appreciate that he gave me something to keep me safe. I didn't know where my new house was anyways so I wouldn't be able to tell him.

"Thanks Thyllian, honestly, I don't know where my house is yet, my father is going to take me there after school but I will send you a letter when I find out where it is, first, I need you to swear on your life that you won't give my address away to anyone unless I give you permission to."

He nodded and gave me his oath, I smiled and was about to say something when he held up an envelope.

"This was left at your window as well, I saw Prince Shilk much further away so I'm assuming he went to see you much before this was sent, I think a Highlander did send you this."

I took the envelope and ran my hand over the wax seal, it was definitely a letter from the Highlander. I looked at Thyllian with slight fear in my eyes and he rubbed my arm.

"I don't think you should open this at home, we still have an hour before our lectures so you could go into the clearing, that way, if it's a trap to seek out your location, they will be met with that clearing."

I nodded my head and headed towards the clearing, Thyllian whispered a soft 'be careful' in my ear before I left, followed by a surprising kiss on the cheek.

When I got to the clearing, I braced myself, I tore the top off the envelope and when nothing happened, I took out the letter.

My dearest owlette, I apologise for a lot of things, unfortunately, I cannot lie, I had the full intention to cause harm to you, my brother had more strength to do so, I could not bring myself to hurt your soft, perfect being, but, alas, I give you a warning of what's to come, no matter how far you run or how much you toy with your Thyllian, you belong to me, you just don't know it yet.


Prince Crucian

Once I finished the note, I started to panic, he couldn't possibly own me, and for what purpose could he want me, he could have any girl he wanted, or boy if that's what he fancies, but I was just a poor Bishka who was running from someone.

When I looked up, the blood drained from my face, Prince Crucian was standing at the edge of the forest, he held out his hand, offering for me to take it. Fuck that! I turned and ran back to the edge of the clearing but he was faster than me, he caught my wrist and pulled me into his chest, clamping a hand over my mouth.

"Hello my little owlette, don't worry dear, I'm the real Crucian, and, I curse you to be my date for this so-called dance, I have been invited many times before but this time, I'm actually going. Oh how much fun it will be."

He let go of my wrist and I stumbled forward. When I turned around, he was grinning, why did he have to look so goddamn perfect? He took a small step towards me and I instantly froze. He gently grabbed my chin and kissed me, I knew he put some spell on me because I felt all tingly and weird afterwards.

"I swear that my brothers will leave you alone my owlette, however, I hear you have moved, I will see you at the dance, goodbye my love."

You have got to be kidding me. 

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