What is love?

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Note: This was something I wrote in 10-ish minutes in English class today for a prompt, this is where it took me...

You ask me what love is, but love can be anything and everything all in one.

Love is something that can break and heal your heart

Love is being engulfed in a hug

Love is doing the dishes, cooking their favourite hot meal, or fetching them a comfy blanket

Love can be eating a gooey warm brownie

Love is words that come from the heart

Love can be everywhere and nowhere

Love is something that can be found even when not searched for

Love can be lost in less than a heartbeat

Love is hopeful and hopeless

Love is how much your heart can swell when you're around them

Love is words that come from the heart

Love is universal

Love is knowing when to let go

Love is when your heart shatters into a million pieces

Love is the glue that can put your broken heart together

and make it


Love is something that can be shown in countless ways

Love is those special moments that live forever in your heart

Love is something that everyone wants, even when they seem that they don't

Love is seeing right through a facade because it's like looking through glass with that person

Love is doing anything to see a smile on their face

Love is knowing when to let go

Love is when your heart shatters into a million pieces

Love is unique and special, but common

Love is those special moments that live forever in your heart do

Love is something that everyone wants, even when they don't seem to

Love is doing anything to see a smile on their face

Love is the glue that can put your broken heart together

and make it


Love is something that can be shown in countless ways

Love is something that can be between, family, yourself, a romantic partner, or partners

Love can be everywhere and nowhere

Love is scary

Love is taking a leap of faith

Love is hopeful and hopeless

Love is having an inside joke

Love is spending hours and hours talking with that person because time feels fake and endless when you do

Love is giving them a hug when they most need it, not because they said they do, but because you can see it

on their face that they need it more than anything

Love is all around you, even when you don't see it

Love is not something you need to change yourself for

Love is ruthless

Love is gentle

Love is anything it can be

Love is the feeling of warm sheets out of the dryer

Swallowing you in that feeling of security and warmth

Love is free as a bird

Love is not caged

Love is anything you want it to be

Love is anything and everything

Love is love.

Love is...

By Arin

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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