Never knew about it

Start from the beginning

He looked at all of them and shouted 'Thank You'.

Javier who was again standing like a wall ignored by everyone looked at Lloyd face decorated with a smile.He had only seen his young master smiling when making a deal or scamming someone a happy smile was rare for him.

So he also felt his smiling a bit at this.

After this the celebration started the countess came forward and embraced Lloyd and the count following her.

'You should always take a break. You even forgot your Birthday.'

She said in a bit harsh tone but anyone could identify the care beneath it.

The count came forward.

'I can't believe that you have grown so much. It's new year and your birthday too. At the beginning of the year the debt was too much. We thought we won't survive but you-'

He stopped wiping tears from his eyes.

'I should stop this speech and talking about past in such an auspicious day.'


'I'm okay. Let's start with the celebration.'

The count led Lloyd in the middle of the backyard infront of the cake.

Lloyd himself was having mixed feelings.

It was not his Birthday nor his family and yet he was enjoying himself instead of the real Lloyd being a fake.

It reminded him of the Birthdays he celebrated with his family it was never this grand but it was cozy and fun. He remembered after his parents death he spent his birthday with his pet but even after her death it was no use of celebrating it so it was just him alone in his part-time job or working on his assignment at the gosiwon alone.This year he celebrated with a treat to himself alone.

But now he rather feels guilty and happy at the same time.

Happy that he transmigrated that he could have such a loving family and guilty that he stole the place of a person who was supposed to be here instead of him.

No matter how trashy the previous Lloyd was he was also a human......

His thoughts were stopped as the shouting became louder.

He cut the cake and the first bite went to his father and them mother.

After the cake cutting the cake was distributed among others and then everyone went enjoying the food and drinks.

It was a cozy party not so grand and not so dull either. No nobles were called just the citizens and the orcs and elves.

' You know what you should thank the elves for the hosting this party for you.'

Lloyd jumped after hearing the voice he looked back to see that it was Javier.

' I knew you were chicken -hearted but this much.'

Javier gave him a look but Lloyd just ignore that.

'Can't you just be a little bit nice just for today and keep your insults to yourself.'

'Go and give your Thanks to the elves'

Javier said and left him ignoring his request.

'Elves?' Lloyd said out aloud.

Now that he looked at the surrounding carefully the plants of the backyard were no were to be seen and the grass was turned into a rug there were no plants in the food and not even a single fruit was seen.


Now he understood what Javier meaned.

Soon he found the elves on the right side of the yard enjoying with each other.
And as Javier said the party was really  organized by the elves as thank u for helping them so much when they needed it the most ignoring what Lloyd actually did in their first meeting.
Soon the party came to end and everyone went out their way home.

With a light wave of hands and goodbye soon the backyard was silent and just leftovers of the grand party were left.

The count and the countess had already went to their bed quarters to rest.

So in the backyard only Javier and Lloyd were left.

They could hear and orcs howling in the distance after having too much of alcohol.

And as the previous Lloyd was an alcoholic many were suprised to see him drinking only a glass but he came up with a excuse which everyone seem to buy except Javier.

'It was fun.'
Lloyd said with a bit of sadness and something that Javier couldn't understand.

'Master Llloyd the lu-'

'Yeah I know.'
Lloyd cut Javier in the middle.

'Let's go back.'

And soon they were back in the bedroom.

And as Lloyd kept on with his complicated things about engineering Javier thought of the expression of Lloyd throughout the party in The backyard.

There was something amiss about Lloyd today but he couldn't point out what.

He felt the young master eyes filled with something.... something he couldn't point out .....

Soon under Lloyd voice his eyes started to close.

Before he could ask or think of anything his eyes closed and soon he fell into a deep slumber.
The fatigue coming at him.

After Javier had slept Lloyd finally stopped smiling.
He fell on his bed with a thud.

Soon the lights were turned off and Lloyd went into the bed covering with blankets.

But under the moonlight his eyes were filled with an emotion that Javier was talking about.

It was guilt.


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