Stories From Villedor: Chapter 2

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Have you ever had your heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, and head focused so well you wonder if you're still awake? If you haven't, you ain't lived life... or haven't had to outrun a horde of reapers. That's what everyone calls the infected nowadays. There are more than one type of infected. Actually, there are quite a few different types of infected. Here are just the main ones:

1. Biter: Your average, slow, not very intelligent infected. Not much to say here, except don't let them get a hold of you. For they are surprisingly strong.

2. Banshees: A lot faster than biters, except that they will flee when attacked. They don't bite, just go for the legs to try and slow you down. They can be identified by their larger, mutated hands.

3. Reaper: Quick, smart, and agile creatures. Can climb, jump over gaps, open certain doors, and can dodge attacks.

4. Volatile: one of the most dangerous types. They are immune to UV rays so there's a chance you'll run into them while on a scavenge. They are strategic, instead of attacking immediately, they'll watch you for a while and figure out your routine, then ambush you. So I always change my route when I go out. Best to avoid them at all costs.

5.spewers: have bulbous cysts and bubbles covering their bodies. They vomit acidic phlegm and mucus at you from a distance.

6. Phasers: infected humans partially immune but not fully immune. The phase in and out of consensus to full on attacking. They can speak in short sentences, but once they turn back to an infected person, they can no longer speak.

There are a couple more, But aren't worth mentioning. I think I covered everything.

I promise you all chapter three will be 2 times longer than chapter 1.

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