01. The Vanishing of Catalina Byers

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"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign-"

"You mean the end," Karen refuted. "Fifteen after."

Her and Y/n climbed up the stairs.

"Just twenty more minutes-"

"It's a school night, Y/n, and I just put Holly to bed. You can finish next weekend," Karen noted.

"That'll ruin the flow-"


"I'm serious, Mom! It took two weeks to plan. How was I supposed to know it'd take ten hours?"

"You've been playing for ten hours?"

Annoyed, Y/n turned to her dad, Ted Wheeler.

"Dad, don't you think-"

"I think you should listen to your mother," Ted muttered. He hit the TV. "Dang piece of junk!"

Down in the basement, Rapunzel, Catalina, and Ruddiger were packing up their things.

"Does a seven count?" Catalina asked Rapunzel.

"It was a seven?"

Catalina nodded.

"Did Y/n see it?"

Catalina shook her head.

"Then it doesn't count."

Just before they ran up the stairs, Ruddiger asked, holding a slice of pizza,"Hey, guys! Anyone want this?"

Rapunzel and Catalina replied with, "No."

They left. An idea suddenly popped into Ruddiger's head. He ran up the stairs and to Adira Wheeler's room. Adira was on the phone with her best friend, Barb.

"I know, I know, but-- I don't think so-- yeah, he's cute, but-- Barb!-- Barb!!-- Listen to me," Adira said over the phone. Ruddiger waved at Adira and showed her the pizza.

"Hey, Adira, there's a slice left if you want. Pepperoni and sausage-"

Adira sighed and said to Barb," Hold on."

She walked over to the door and shut it in Ruddiger's face, leaving him disappointed.

While the rest of the party was busy getting on their bikes, Ruddiger was halfway finished eating his pizza slice.

"Something's wrong with your sister," Ruddiger told Y/n.

"What are you talking about?" Y/n asked.

"She's got a stick up her butt."

"It's 'cause she's seeing that barf bag, Andrew Harrington."

"Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk."

"She's always been a real jerk."

"Nu-uh! She used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our Eldertree campaign."

"That was four years ago!"

"Just sayin'."

Ruddiger and Rapunzel started to bike down the road, while Catalina was still getting on her bike.

"It was a seven," Catalina stated.

Y/n glanced at Catalina. "What?"

"The roll. It was a seven. The Demogorgon...it got me. See you tomorrow!" Catalina smiled at Y/n before biking away to catch up with Ruddiger and Rapunzel. Y/n smiled to herself before the garage light started to flicker...

As the other three are biking together, Rapunzel saw her house and sped up a little.

"See ya, ladies!" She rode into her parking lot and stoped there, letting the other two ride without her.

Friends Don't Lie (Varian x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin