Flashing lights.

Pulsing music.


Then silence.

Bobby was confused.

Very, very confused.

Her friends had said it would be fine, that she could be home by midnight, before her parents even knew she was gone.

But her friends hadn't known that the police would come.

They didn't know the punch was spiked with booze.

They didn't know there would be people openly smoking pot in the front yard.

It was good bye, Harvard.

And hello, reform school.

x x x

"Go stand in front of the height chart, please, miss, and hold up your sign."

I glared at the man, shaking back my brightly colored hair before complying angrily.

I hated that the sign read, "Roberta," my real name. Bobby was so much better.

A long line of other girls that I didn't know stood behind me before I moved up to the board. My head was about halfway between the 5 and 6 foot marks, and as they took the pictures, I managed to slip in a middle finger.

After the pictures were taken, I was lead away to yet another tiny room with a single desk in it. A burly man sat behind the desk, wearing a security uniform. Several manilla envelopes and important looking documents sat in front of him.

He held out an ink pad to me. I gave him a confused look, and he motioned for me to place my thumb in it.

I got it.

Thumb prints.

I did what he wanted me to do, and he handed me a new pile of clothes. Saddle shoes that were popular in the 40s sat on top of a baggy, mid-1900s dress. It was the ugliest looking thing I had ever seen in my life.

"Go get changed in the bathroom," the man spoke, pointing to a small door that I hadn't previously noticed. "Then come back out. You'll be lead to your quarters afterward."

I nodded, staying silent, which was unlike me, and did as he said. When I returned, yet another man was in the small room as well. He had a name tag on that read, "Gerald Fugger".

Nice last name, dude.

The security guard said that this Fugger guy would be leading me to my "quarters", so I followed him.

To a hallway full of fucking jail cells.


Was "reform school" basically a slightly nicer name for jail?

Sure seemed like it.

x x x x x

Hola, meatballs!

So I've had this idea for a while (obviously, since it's based off the Good Girls music video) and I decided to publish because I don't feel like waiting to put it up, even though I have a million ideas already.

Anywho, hope you guys enjoy!


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