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*Princely's Pov*

I trudged into the cafe a little earlier than usual. After the stunt Ciel played last night I wasn't really able to go back to sleep. Then again, I was more mad at myself for calling him in the first place. I can't exactly explain to myself why I called him but I wanted him there, even just for a second.

I rubbed my hand over my face, what am I even doing anymore?

I looked at the time, only fifteen minutes until Easton shows up.

I hired her a month after the quads were born so I could have someone else here.

She's twenty-one, which made me sceptical at first, but I soon realized she is hard-working.

We have gotten quite close over the last six months. She is a diva yet she's incredibly smart. Since I spend most of my time at the cafe now I like her being here. She just has this..I don't know..charm about her that is so inviting. Talking to her is reliving.

I messed around aimlessly after my morning prep was done until the ding of the door made me look up, being greeted by a bright smile, long blonde hair and a set of blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she placed her bag behind the counter.

I shrugged "Felt like it."

She stared me down a minute.


"I'm a woman Pri and not a dumb one."

I looked down with a sigh "I got a visit from Ciel last night. I just couldn't sleep afterward."

"What do you mean 'a visit'?"

"I called him, don't ask me why because I don't know, but he was out of town and showed up late. One minute we're fighting. The next we're kissing."

A small smile applied itself to the corner of her lips.

"How was it?"

I stood stunned "What?"

She crooked her eyes at me.

"Pri, believe it or not, Ciel is one hot beast."

I stiffened "Don't talk like that about him."

She walked towards the counter, chuckling.

"Good thing you aren't together, wouldn't won't that possive side showing too much."

Did I forget to mention she's a lesbian?

I shook my head, choosing not to comment

"Come get me if necessary." I called back as I headed to my office.

Once I sat down I stared at the papers on my desk but my mind wondered.

After last night my resolve was wearing thin. Why won't he just stop? It's been three years, three years of my denying him and he just won't stop. If anything I think he's trying harder. The real question though is how much longer can I do this to him? He deserves a mate that will accept him fully, I can't.

I sighed, closing my eyes.

Man. Ciel is a man. No doubt, no denying. I can't even close my eyes and imagine otherwise. I can't.

I rubbed my temples with my index fingers, gently easing the slow throbbing beginning in my head.


I snapped my head up.

"I've said your name like four times, what's gotten into you?"

I shook my head "Nothing, just thinking. What do you need?"

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