Chapter two

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"But I thought you were a—"

"—schimbător? Yes, I still am, schimbător means changer I can change the type of creature I am."

"Wait so then what creature are you now?"

"A schimbător!" he smiles

"What? No- what creature are you now?"

"They say I look like an elf" he points to his ears which were unusually pointy "but elves and schimbătors are two different things"

We stare into the eyes of each other for two seconds too long. His eyes have a grayish tint while mine is a solid brown.

"You have pretty eyes." he whispers. I felt my cheeks heat up. An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

"You still live with your parents? Remind me how old are you?" he breaks the silence

"22" I blurt out


I throw at him a hoodie I got from my boyfriend.

"Men's hoodie?" he raises an eyebrow

"From my boyfriend, now go transform into a human." I state. He stares at me and then just walks into my closet. When he comes out, he looks the same just with normal ears and he's wearing a gray hoodie with the Adidas symbol at the top right corner.

"I like your hair." he says breaking the silence

"Thanks, it's a wolf cut." I respond. The room becomes silent again

"Why'd you make me change?" He asks in a deep American accent

"Sneaking out of course, and you darling are using your ability to take us there." I say

He blushed when I called him darling which I thought was pretty cute. I took his hand, he put his other hand over his mouth I could've sworn he was blushing.

"Where should we go?" He asks me

"The club." I smirk

"And what is a club?"

"I don't have a phone so I can't-"

"Club. Club. Club." he whispers.

Suddenly it feels as if I was knocked out I look around and I really am-

In a club.

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