Another Monkey?

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Taylor looked over the kids. "You two okay?" "We're okay." They both turned to the entrance of the cave to see about a dozen trolls coming in. "Go!" Liuer started running and Taylor started fighting the beasts. Liuer ended up climbing a chain and swinging around so a troll could hit the wall. The white monkey then raced in front of the two so she could kick a troll away from the children. But the troll was hit by a large rock that was thrown from the pile of rubble in the center. A ginger furred hand burst from the rocks, and a monkey after it. The trolls and new monkey were confused about what was happening, and so was Taylor. The ginger furred monkey turned to see the female and her two wards, before looking at the approaching trolls. He dodged one of the incoming trolls and noticed he was chained. So he leaped into the air and spun around breaking the chains from the wall and hitting the trolls with them. When the monsters were knocked out, only one shackle and chain remained on him. The monkey looked around frantically and then quickly faced Taylor. Both of the monkeys' faces were contorted into snarls, neither was backing down or faltering in stance. The baby in Liuer's basket climbed up onto Taylor's shoulder and patted the ginger male on the head. He turned away and said, "Thanks guys." He swung the last of his chain around his wrist, and the end hit him in the face. "I got it from here." He walked out of the cave as Taylor was helping Liuer down, and placed the baby back in her basket. "You okay?" "Yeah we're fine." "Let's go." The group walked out of the cave and heard the male monkey yelling. They looked behind them to see him falling from the sky, so Taylor placed Liuer on her back again and ran to his location. The white simian placed the boy down and they both hid behind a rock. They watched the ginger furred male talk to a Buddha statue, and he sounded pretty upset. "You lock me up for five hundred years, that's not good enough for you?! Don't forget, I'm the Great Sage!!" Liuer was surprised to hear the name of his hero, and Taylor was surprised to know the monkey she was staring down was the monkey king. "The Great Sage?!" Liuer didn't go unheard by the sage who turn to their hiding place. "Who's there?! Looking for a fight?!" Liuer came out first then Taylor stood behind the boy, and protective aura seeped from her body. "Or maybe a babysitter?" The white monkey was a little offended by that comment but kept her guard up. "Are you really Sun Wukong, the Great Sage?" The male turned away from the two in a huff and started walking away. "I don't know, am I? What if I am?" Taylor rolled her eyes at his attitude while Liuer gasped at his answer. "What? It really is him! The great monkey king!" At this point the monkey, now known as Sun Wukong, was leaping from tree to tree. "No greatness!! Just an old monkey!" Taylor smirked and rolled her eyes a second time, before she called out. "Immortality doesn't count for age!" When she looked to Liuer and the baby were, the spot was empty. She looked around until she spotted him thanking a small groundhog, before he ran off again. "This kid is gonna be the death of me, I just know it." She said to herself as she ran after the boy. They eventually found the monkey king, and Liuer called to him. "Great Sage! Wait for us!" The boy climbed over a log and Taylor leaped over it, to see him hide behind a tree. Liuer, when he finally got over the log looked around for the sage. Taylor smirked and walked over to the tree he was hiding behind, he was chuckling to himself smugly. "You are really bad at hide and seek." Taylor told him, Liuer was in front of the two now. "So will you help us get home?" Wukong just sighed and started walking again. "Come on then." They started following him, as Liuer talked. "That's okay, we'll just hang out with you until we find our way back. This is gonna be great!" The ginger furred male took this chance to leap up a rocky cliff, which would be hard for a human to climb. "If we are traveling together, you better keep up!" Taylor deadpanned before placing Liuer on her back and leaping up the same way he did. And it seems he didn't notice their presence, because he laughed a little about what he did. "Great Sage?" Liuer caught his attention as Taylor put him and the little one down. Wukong looked shocked that they both made it up there, and looked around for an explanation. He looked to Taylor, finally getting a good look at her form. White and pink fur, ice blue eyes, and four ears. Her tail swished behind her in annoyance, since he was staring at her. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." "Did you use your powers to do that? What about you, Taylor? 'Cause I thought you could teach us some magic skills?" This causes the monkey to groan after Liuer asked him a few more questions. "Listen shorty, this stuff is not easy to teach." "He's right, Liuer, magic is also hard to learn. I should know, I burned someone when I was learning." They continue walking, and Wukong looked to Taylor again curious about what powers she might have. But even their explanations weren't enough to get Liuer to stop asking. "Okay, what about an easy trick? This'll be great." He climbed up on a stone, and started to explain the kings powers. "My new teacher, Sun Wukong! The king of the monkeys, who can't be beat! You're also immortal, so you can protect us!" Wukong looked smug and placed his arms behind his head as he walked past. Liuer jumped off the rock and ran up to the sage. "You can even make clones from your hair, by blowing." The boy plucked some hair from the ginger monkey, which got him irritated. "Watch it!" Liuer looked around, but was surprised nothing happened. "How come nothing happened?" Taylor looked to the shackle on the monkey's wrist, knowing it was probably a seal of some kind. "Oh, there's one more thing! Do you have your power pole?" Wukong stopped and breathed in deeply. "Liuer, that's enough questions, okay?" Liuer kept going on about how the mighty pole could grow to any size, and how the king hid it in his ear. "Urg! You won't stop talking will you! My heads gonna explode! No more questions, okay?!" "Ok, so when can I ask questions again?" Taylor facepalmed and backed away as Wukong punched a tree, knocking it over. "Shouldn't have done that, Wukong." She prepared herself for the next onslaught of questions by the young boy. "I give up." Taylor smirked and walked next to the other monkey. Liuer then asked how the monkey king got his powers, to which he replied sarcastically, "I ate some magic bananas." That caused Taylor to chuckle, and show her new fangs a little. But they all stopped when they felt rumbling from the ground.

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