Chapter 2

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This is where it kinda gets intense fyi😨 but anyways onto the story😫😫🫶🏼🫶🏼

Mk paced around his room worried . Then he remembered something. That figure in the corner of his eye , was it spying on him ? Was it waiting for him to leave ? He let out a groan until pigsy yelled "HEY KID THESE DELIVERIES AINT GONNA DELIVER THEMSELVES SO YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" Mk jumped up and responded with "AH SORRY PIGSY IM ON IT!" He put on his shoes and hurried down to deliver some orders. After a long day of delivering and delivering he finally finished and got back to the restaurant with a tired look on his face . Pigsy had served him some noodles and He thanked him with a nod . It wasn't long until he finished his noodles and went upstairs to get ready for bed . It was late after all . He yawned and before he turned off his lights .. Redson . Of course the guy thought of redson who wouldn't? He flushed at the sight of him but softly slapped himself and thought "Get it together Mk! Agh hes your enemy for heavens sake !" He scoffed and went to sleep .

With Redson

Redson was tired after making many clones for his father to "rule the world" but he knew that they would fail. They failed many times after all .
He completely forgot on what had happened to him that he accidentally bit his lip with his sharp fang . He let out a quiet grunt and just sighed then left to change . As he was changing he looked at the mirror and he saw .. nothing ? Just clothes but not his face nor body.. he panicked and drew a little doodle to make it not seem suspicious to his mother. And then she walked in . "AH! Oh mother you scared me-" PIF totally ignored what he had said and grabbed his face to inspect it . She opened his mouth and took a closer look and asked "why is your teeth sharper than before redson?" Redson got a bit scared not knowing what to say so he responded with "Ah uh t-they just grew overnight and stuff heh yeah !" He said nervously with sweat coming down his neck. PIF let out a 'hmmm..' in a suspicious tone before leaving . Redson stood still for a couple of seconds before turning and walking straight to bed . He rubbed his face and eyes before setting down his glasses and turning off the lights . He looked at the ceiling for a few minutes before sighing asking himself "what is wrong with me..?" Quietly . A sudden image of Noodle boy came in his head, then he started smiling and blushing . He realized what he was doing and his hair lit on fire . Not from anger but embarrassment , "Tch.. what does nyoodle boy have that im attracted to.." he thought to himself. He sighed once more and fell asleep .

The next morning was Mk's day off. Meaning he didn't have to do training with the monkey king if he didn't want to . So instead of doing that he went out to the forest to look for peaches that Wukong would like . He eventually found some but it wasn't enough , he kept looking until .. "shit im lost-.." he sighed and quietly said "Goddamnit.." he couldn't really do anything since he didn't bring his phone cause he thought it would be a short walk. So he just kept walking and looking for more peaches . //You know the cut he had in chapter 1? Yeah its still there still bleeding and stuff. Anyways back to the story\\
"Agh!" Mk's arm started burning with pain making him drop the peaches he had picked. He rubbed his arm and started picking up the peaches and continued. Little did he know hes making the scent stronger letting redson follow him.

With The fire prince
Redson had just woken up and forgot that his parents left somewhere for work stuff for atleast 3 days or so. He yawned and stretched before putting on his glasses and changing. Mid-way into putting on his clothes he smelled the scent again . This time it was stronger . Again his pupils went thin and sharp like a cat about to pounce on its prey . He quickly went outside to look for the way to the scent . He closed his eyes letting him sniff the blood and walk towards it. He opened his eyes and knew that it was close. He hid behind a bush peeking on what animal or human it is. He couldn't really see good so without caring he got ready to jump out and feast on its blood . Giving himself a countdown to 3 he took a deep breath and ran towards the prey . Poor clueless Mk looked over before getting tackled to the ground. His eyes were closed shut so he couldn't see what or who it was . He opened an eye and saw a familiar face with unfamiliar eyes and features . Redson finally knowing who it was didnt give a fuck and kept trying to suck on his blood . They both rolled over 3 times until redson had the perfect opening for blood . He opened his mouth as his sharp ass teeth bit down onto Mk's neck leaving him to Moan loudly. Redson still sucking on his neck gripped onto him tightly while Mk was struggling to get him off . Grunts and groans were going out of their mouths . Redson had let a drip of blood out so he took out his fangs and licked it leaving Mk to shiver and slightly moan again . Long after Redson was done feasting on Mk he wiped his mouth and said " You have nice blood Noodle boy ~ " leaving Mk to blush and look away. Redson chuckled and walked away back to his house . Mk stood up and blushed hard at what had just happened. Completely forgetting that redson poked 4 holes in his neck . Still dripping blood he ran over to redson asking "Hey uh do you know where to get back to my apartment cause uh im kinda lost" Mk smiled nervously and Redson scoffed . "You Peasants are such idiots" redson laughed then sighed "c'mon beforewe both get lost" he jokingly said.

End of chapter 2 ☻☻

Word count: 1051

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